Sunday, July 23, 2023

July 23rd - Stratford-upon-Avon Day 3a

July 23rd - Stratford-upon-Avon Day 3a

My last full day here and lovely start with continental breakfast for 13P and enough to choose from. 

Jane arrived 20:40ish and off we went for a quick look at the Sunday market where I bought myself butterfly wing earrings. We checked out the 30 minute river boat cruises and found Jane's friend captaining one so off we went. She's a local living nearby Jane and getting married on Tuesday to her partner who both workd on a larger dinner cruise boat previously. I was very surprised but she would not let me pay for the both of us! So nice!  

I can't resist!!!

And the Canada Geese.

The markers at the weir and small locks.

The only heron I've seen here.
They are shy!

You'll see this one later on going through the locks to the basin.

This is a manual pulley chain ferry service across for people.

Just room to get through, she scraped topside the other day,  OOOPSIE!!!

They have lots of rain but water levels are controlled, but the last flood you could barely see space under the Arch.


These houses are huge and fairly nice.

Thatched Garden shed roof.

The Swan Theatre, back at the start.

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