Saturday, July 22, 2023

July 20th - London Day 3 - Uber Boat HOHO #3

July 20th - London Day 3 - Uber Boat HOHO #3

Then back to the Pier and straight return to Westminster Pier and strolled around Buckingham Palace to Wellington Arch for the upper gallery viewing.  NOPE, closed at 5pm, so too late!

Buckingham Palace

Hope I get back before it rains!

Wellington Arch

I walked back in the direction of Victoria Station as I knew that was close to my hotel and the Victoria Tap pub/restaurant but all is order and pay on your phone -no service at your table so I walked out.  Found the Constitution closer to my hotel that had fish and chips and would take my cash - lots cheaper too and good!

Hmmm, wonder what's up?

Back to my room, catch up on yesterday's  posts and to bed!  Up early to pack and start the last leg of my journey! 

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