Tuesday, July 18, 2023

July 16th - Avalon Day 8 - Paris 2

July 16th - Avalon Day 8 - Paris 2

Then arriving at the Mariott Ambassador Opera Hotel on Hausmann for a 4pm checkin and relax.  It's fairly old but clean.  Seems nice from first impressions but my suitcase is not inside.  But Adrian did say they had arrived!

@#$% and a few more swear words!!!!!  I put my stuff into the room safe, closed it, then tried to open it for a test.  ZIPPO after 3 tries an error message.  So I called for help.  The front desk help with keys came up and ZIPPO can't open.  So technician was called and had to drill open the hidden inside key.  The clerk came back and with this key opened it, reset the code and tested, VOILA, it worked.  He waited to see if it worked again then left me after the rolling mess was cleaned up.

Well if that's not enough there was more bad luck! I tried to shower but couldn't get the shower to spray - 10 minutes or so of fighting i got it to work.  Good!!!  Then as I was trying to climb out of the high tub I slipped and badly bruised my inside thigh and just grabbed the half door or I'd have fallen out!  SHIT!!!  I'm tired and should have gone home after that lovely cruise!!!

We're having a brief walk about and then I headed off to check out some neat temple like structure way far up hill, only went up one level for pictures then returned in the general direction downhill!  Lo and behold I managed to end up on the road where Tivoli Pizza Restaurant is and had a pizza and a good Chardonnay before returning to the hotel, getting an ice pack and up to my room to relax and bed!

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