Saturday, July 22, 2023

July 20th - London Day 3 - Uber Boat HOHO #2

July 20th - London Day 3 - Uber Boat HOHO #2

I finally walked the picturesque pathway to the Tower Bridge.  Again a bit deflating but still interesting to see and actually walked on the glass inserts and see the water, boats, vehicles and people below.  

Wasn't scary at all!

Then I realized there were mirrors above!

Then on the return I bought the roasted peanuts as promised from the lady and she said not many actually do so on the return - YUMMY!!!  So strolled back to the Tower Pier to catch the boat to Grenwich Pier, end of the HOHO ride.

Got my roasted peanuts and ate them all!

Strolled around the picturesque shops and visited the Fan Museum - small but I threshing and bought some items for me.  

The Cutty Shark

Banquet window area of a restaurant 




Fan Ironworks table

Back courtyard

Fan railings

Entrance doors.

Front entrance

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