Monday, June 29, 2020

June 29th

Well it's official!  I'm a SENIOR, in age at least! 

And since I've managed fairly decently so far, I've increased my savings monthly deposits plus arranged for monthly loan principal payments to be made too from my AOS!  Would be nice to go on vacation cash next year, that is if Covid-19 takes a royal hike out of this world!!!!

And the following logo best describes me, camera in hand!

Stupid me, stupid me, stupid me! πŸ˜–πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜•

I was heading downstairs, walking thankfully or it could have been worse, to switch clothes into the dryer and missed the bottom step and wiped out on all fours till knee, wrist and shoulder gave and I rolled!  Good thing the dogs stayed and didn't think it was play time or I'd still be down, maybe for the count!

I'm OK, bruised ego, skinned knee through my pants and jammed big toe that hurts worse. Probably will feel worse tomorrow or Wednesday! πŸ‘πŸ€—  Guess no walking for exercise for a few days!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Catchup - June 22nd - 28th

June 22nd

OOOOHHHHH I hate what those canker or black worms are doing to the trees!  I'm all for spraying for them, mosquitoes or whatever the heck tries to invade!!!!!

Well Edna and I again walked Sturgeon Creek pathway about 5 kms (forgot to click off when finished so have auto included in the 7.71 km tracked)!  It was an awesome evening and tonight I even got to meet the carver who makes these awesome reindeer pieces hidden amongst trees and in the creek too!  He said there are in total 45 reindeer in all pieces - I've not counted!  Just so amazed at his creativity and I could tell pleasure in seeing them enjoyed by passersby!

Well here's another special order for 5 large, supposedly plain red, black, purple, orange and blue - but plains are few and far between in my stash.  So might be a couple extras???  Ummm not the case, all spoken for.

Well we tried to walk but it started to rain so we quit.  Today we met the man making these reindeer decor and he said thd canoe got sunk so maybe a raft next?  And we saw two new ones too plus bagpipers practicing!

June 26th

This morning I finished off, the back at it MPQ Applique BOM, Block #6.  Here's the first six all together.  Six more blocks to continue working on, hopefully completed for unveiling at the restart of guild meetings this fall!  Well all 7 masks were taken upon delivery and the loner mask also finally delivered.

June 27th

Finally I get to visit today this crew!  Last week Taunya's two pups!  Now who will be next for a visit at least?

Here's something for those peony lovers (wish I too could enjoy the blooms)!

Ants love PEONIES.  A friend just told me how to chase them away so they don’t come inside with your beautiful bouquets.  “The trick is to sprinkle powdered pepper on the flowers, wait a few seconds and then shake the blooms upside down.  The ants don't like that and they run away.  I do that outside before I bring my bouquet inside the house.  Never had any problem.”  Thanks for passing this on Janice Allen Potvin.

June 27th

Recently I've participated in our 2019-2020 MPQ Mystery AppliquΓ© BOM Project, Florabunda, 2010 pattern by Erin Russek.  She has shared the remaining 4 block patterns with all participants and also offered the Miss Hannah centre medallion pattern free to all 19 members who completed all 8 blocks, unfortunately I was not one of them (only 5 blocks completed) out of 46 participants.  I've used the back basted needle turn method and can't believe how accurate this technique is, moreso than the plastic pattern overlay I've tried.  Honest I am continuing now that my Covid-19 mask sewing has dropped off and complete my 12 blocks for our hoped for start up meeting in September.  This project was possible by the leadersip of Inez, Marion and Tracy, all awesome quilters, who demoed various applique techniques one Saturday to give us an idea of which to choose, thank you.

Florabunda 2010 by Erin Russek with Miss Hannah centre medallion.

I'm not sure I heard of this, I was just finishing high school when it was implemented.


June 28th

My 'staycation'!  It's awesome now the heat has receeded, but not sure how long they'll stay out.  Won't stay long!

Ohhhhh GOSH I MISS my road trips with girlfriends!!!!!

Ohhhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh!!!!! 😍😍😍

Catchup - June 18th-21st

June 19th

Thank you Barb for having Dianne and I over for a brief port pillow making session!  You had our seating spaced and munchies to boot!  I soooooooooo needed this in person stitching time!  Thank you both!  πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

Just waiting at Bistro's Inferno for the girls to arrive!  I loved this place a few years ago and now once again get the chance to enjoy it!  They arrived and even a gift from Cindy! Thank you Cindy and Janice for joining me on my desire to eat out!  😘  We'll have to do it again!

Taunya's new puppy arrived yesterday and it's been bonding time for them all.  She said Bubba was finally calming down today!  Dahli sure is a cutie and I get to meet her and play with Bubba again tomorrow!

June 20th

Finally I completed stitching Block #5 of the MPQ Applique BOM, started in February or March, only 7 more to go!  Stems are chain embroidered as I didn't want to fight with skinny appliques!!!

This is so scarey and so many here think it's not bad and we can reopen totally!  πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€  All I can say is keep an eye on those in ICU and deaths here and in the USA!  Open travel up and new waves are inevitable then more lockdowns!

OMGG guess I'm not going to visit the pugs now, hopefully tomorrow will be better!


June 21st

This is what I keep trying to tell people!

OMGG what an afternoon I've had visiting Taunya n Bubba's newest addition Dahli!  😍😍😍  And she even dressed her up knowing I commented on all the pink bling she was buying!  πŸ˜‚  Boy she's sure tiny but an attitude like Bubba's when he arrived, wanting to play with Fred.  Bubba is 9 months and Dahli 8 weeks, from the same breeder.  Dang she has sharp tiny teeth when she nipped me and glad I'm not Bubba when she's latched onto his lip! He just takes it and even backs up when she's had enough and forces him to!  Taunya and me too thinks she'll be the pushy one with lots of gusto!  🀣🀣🀣  OK I've gone crazy but this is the first visit so look to your heart's desire or not!  And these are they ones I kept, the better ones!!!

He's so attentive! 

She didn't go in. 

They play wonderfully! 

He was dragging around and sometimes flipping her over with this toy!

Then he changes toys when her interest wains with the other!

Here's when she was making noises and nipping him! 

These lawn pics show their true sizes. 

Didn't even notice the bunny! 

But I'm getting tired! 

Time out!!!

She's out cold!

And Bubba's keeping an eye on me just in case! 

I'm leaving and she's still out during the transfer to Mom! 

And still long after I'd left!  😍

Post from Taunya!

Looking at these pics... not sure if they played more or slept more?  πŸ€” either way, they are getting along better than I could have ever hoped for.  Bubba is happy 😍😊 Rose Anne Burdeny caught some good pics of them playing and the perspective of her (small) size.  She is definitely a tiny spit-fire πŸ”₯😳  We start the work week schedule tomorrow πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΆ  I think we will be good 😍

Wake up!