Thursday, February 06, 2025

Catchup - Jan 30th-Feb 6th

Jan 30th

WOW it was foggy this morning!  After a couple appointments I went over to Sylvia's and did more puzzle!  This is the first time we haven't set the border first, just too difficult!  So we are setting various stars and hope to anchor in place and easier to do the border, which is exactly the same two colours and same width of edging in each piece!!!

Feb 1st

Well yesterday and today I'm fighting a horrible coughing, sore throat, plugged ears and drippy nose!!! I've been drugged up but had to go replenish my stock hopefully stopping this bug!!! Sylvia and I missed our sewing day at Assiniboine Circle Quilters and I a visit with Pat etc, as I'm sicko but not Covid thank goodness!!! I'm definitely on shaky ground and glad my shopping was quick!!! In and out!!!

Nothing but watching the backlog of hockey, eyes too teary for stitching, a little puzzle setting but slow going!!!

Feb 2nd

Damn I thought I was feeling better this morning! Nope, feeling weak but with lessened coughing, sneezing and drippy nose BUT my sciatic in both hips is acting up! Enough already!!!!!

Feb 3rd

Well my head is clearing some so worked a bit more on the puzzle. Slowly but surely it's getting there.

Feb 4th

Well this cold is winding down but today was hell with the sciatic, even the new lotions and Tylenol Arthritis did not help today. And today I needed to drop off my car for some repairs.

Well all I can say is Urban Garage staff are awesome! Cole I think, after my checking about a ride home but basically not offered, he ran out the door to stop my limping way to the bus on my sticks. He asked where exactly I needed to go, could I wait till another client arrives and he could give me a ride home! He brought me to tears and I said thank you I will gladly wait for a ride. See I wasn't even sure how close I could get to home and how far I'd need to walk afterwards! So a couple hours before the shop closed, I phoned to see if I should start out to the bus and hope to make it in time. WELL he needed to pick up a client and wanted me to wait and he'd pick me up shortly! I am so thankful! Some Tim's in their future!!!

Then talk about an awesome surprise to see Cindy standing there (I needed that hug), her baby for an oil change, and we chatted till they wanted my payment! 🥰

I needed a few groceries afterwards but talk about torture! This was a first time I've sat on the lower section of the cart as I could not stand on shaky legs twice before finished.

Once home I relaxed, had supper and then finished off the puzzle. Sadly two pieces are missing!

Feb 6th

Well I stopped into MPI after the two close to threatening letters demanded I show up. So I did and yes I'll lose my merits even though it was not much of an "accident" but she filed and I am responsible. It took maybe 20 minutes, 6 or so photos taken and out he came with my claim info of $1,400 repair to my license plate holder, slight scratches I didn't see on paint and disconnected plastic grill filler to be replaced! Hmmmm, now to decide whether to get it fixed or not, $200 deductible will be charged if so. He said I may as well get it fixed. Will see!

Nice to meet Sylvia for lunch!  Then home to relax and a load of laundry too!

OMGG talk about a walk down memory lane today!!! See I got a call from an excoworker from mega years ago, from Laura of Technical Services Branch/Farm Machinery Board and at that time I think I was with Economics Branch, but all part of Manitoba Agriculture! WOW!!! Not sure why, but she found the "icing corsage" I made for her baby shower in April 1983, along with her note. WOW!!! So one day we'll meet up for lunch, but she's a better recall of work name changes etc than I do! I still can't believe this! Not bad for 40+ years!!! Well cared for!!!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Catchup - Jan 18th-28th

Jan 18th

It wasn't so bad this morning as I cleaned off my car etc before joining the ladies at ACQ for a sewing day, since I'm plowed out.  Then took Edna grocery shopping and short visit with Michelle to pass on Sylvia, Edna and my bindings for CQA donations.  But DANG IT I just about got frostbite taking six picture, three off McCreary Road and three from the driveway!  I plugged in my car, praying it doesn't blow in again and I'm staying put tomorrow!!!

Jan 19th

OMGG talk about me being stupid!!! I'm used to my floor lamp over my left shoulder for my hand stitching and always bring my small table lamp, but not that great. Well last night I was searching floor lamps as suggestions for here when I REMEMBERED there's a three light floor lamp in the basement next to the puzzle table. DUH ME!!! So up it came and it's lots better today! Gotta do this next time too! 🥰

Jan 20th

OKAY this is enough of deep freeze temps!  My feet haven't been warm for a week if not more, I put on my wool socks - too hot, my fuzzy socks - cool feet and my cotton socks - cold feet!  They better warm up sooner than later!!!

Jan 22nd

I just LOVE my Christmas postcard with matching bookmark that was delayed because of our postal strike but arrived just fine!!! Thank you Cindy Vrtis! I LOVE angels!!!

Jan 23rd

Well a great start for Sylvia and I to a Quilters Jewel retreat in Winkler! First breakie at Sals, supposed to be a quick stop at Mook's for some fabrics (not so with mega shoppers there) and onto Carman to check out Mama Bears new quilt shop. Finally to Lily Stone Cafe in Rosenort for lunch with our niece Debbie too! ❤️ The roads were clear with periodic snow blowing. Then onto Winkler to register at Best Western Plus (lovely queen suite) and check into my first hand stitching retreat weekend! Sylvia is having hopefully a relaxing weekend away too with her hobbies she brought!

Jan 24th

Finally after a couple years I've my 18" Summer Hexies (1.5") finished. Just the label to make up when I get home next week.  So all hand pieced, assembled with drapery flannel in between layers and hand quilted. I started it August 2023 and completed it today!!! Funny how the images differ colourwise, taken near a window and antique-type inside lounge area.

Jan 25th

Today I drove Sylvia to Flavours of Mexico for her meal choices then back to stitching for me. Pearl invited her to see Show n Tell plus participate tonight too. Then I went next door to Winkler Fabrics plus and picked up a selection for placemats for me maybe and could not resist the paisley ones.

Okay here's my new fabric selection I bought at Mook's then the black at Mama Bears at Carman for the sashing. I downloaded the free pattern, Inferno, from Andover, and will be reducing the size as much as I can! Sorry my picture is not very good. I've found an image of some of the 15+ colours in this Texture Basics line, it's an Australian design/fabric which is probably why I picked it for this pattern instead of Ombre!!!

So Sylvia joined us for Show n Tell before we relaxed for the night.  She finished off her UFOs.

Here is a "thank you/rembrance" gift for Pearl from us for her 35th Quilting Jewels Retreat.

Jan 26th

Today was pack up, brunch and head home after a lovely hand stitching retreat hosted by Pearl, Quilting Jewel Retreat!!! As we left Winkler headed north it was ground level blowing snow and tugging on my steering wheel. Well half hour later, turning east it was totally clear? Good!!!  

We stopped in to visit Debbie and the family and enjoyed a very light second lunch with them all. I even got to hold Colter and Beckham both born bbeginningof November, alongwith play a bit with London when she allowed. Sylvia did too! Was lovely even with Sylvia's slight slide into the snow, she says nothing hurts, I hope so!

Then once into the city I stopped to pick up the Sashiko etc MPQ draw prize that she won on Wednesday but we did not attend. Then I happened to see this lovely sunset and turned onto Lyndale Drive and took these pics before heading home to put my feet up!!! WOW!!!

Jan 28th

Okay Sylvia just about finished off the winter puzzle and today both of us completed it!

Now we're sorting the gift Susan gave me!!! Yowsers, not sure about this one! The borders are all navy with a blue equal sized stripe!!!

Friday, January 17, 2025

Jan 17th Blizzard

Jan 17th

This is CRAZY!!!  Looks like NO ONE should be moving in this stuff!!!  AND three more hours of snow falling!!!  Even the dogs are restless, hope they settle in soon!  My poor legs!!!

Yesterday's arrival.

Today 7:20am

Today 8:45am

Pre gust


Today 9:15am

Today 9:24am  -  finally, but will my legs survive!!!

OMGG!!! This is what I thought this morning!!!!!!!

WOW!!! This is serious stuff!!!

Earlier I took the picture of the kitchen window but winds picked up and just about all gone.

Yowsers, totally forgot about the open window - now closed! AND I can see the road behind the vehicles plus the sun is trying to peak out plus wind is not so noisy now. 

Hope the worst is over with, then I'll try clean off the worst on my car, in case I can venture out tomorrow to ACQ!

But first enjoying my coffee with my friend Bailey!!! Perfect day for this! After lunch I'll do some hand stitching!!!