Friday, April 25, 2008


I don't believe it, this snow and cold is still here along with the ice!!! Now I know how Alberta felt the next day upon waking and it had not melted away as a usual spring snowfall does. Oh well it's supposed to be 4C today so it'll start to melt away - and the weather channel said warmer weather for the prairies is a coming! Hey it's SPRING, it'll come!!!

Anyways, I stitched up another selvedge fabric yesterday but this time a long 1/4 metre and hopefully tonight another F8 and then I should have enough to make up some coaster sets. AND can you believe this I still have lots of selvedges but the nice "coloured" ones are not as pentiful as the white edged ones now. Guess I'll have to start trimming them off my fabrics as I use them again to add to this slowly diminishing supply. See I still would like to make myself a jacket one day - I've a vest already - or maybe a tote bag - HMMMMM!!!

AND dummy here, totally forgot about the "stretch" stitch setting on my machine and WOW what a selection of fancier stitches I found there. Yeah it eats up the thread for this, but I picked up some BIG spools of polyester threads from Marathon Threads awhile a go, at a price that I pay for those stubbier smaller spools at Fabricland!!! So I think I definitely have enough to play with for a some time now. LOL!

Okay, not sure why I'm waking at 6:30 am this week or so but I do get to make lunch and play on the PC before heading to work!!! Weird, but I used to get up at 5:30 and stitch an hour or so before getting ready for work - nope not up to that especially if I'm up past midnight! LOL!

1 comment:

Julia said...

Hi Rose Anne,
Nice to hear from you and thank you for your comments.
I'm slowly getting back to stitching.
I love the needle case / books
Give my love to the girls.