Sunday, January 31, 2021

Catchup - Jan 28th-31st

Jan 28th

Just had a relaxing evening and tatted The Second Day of December from my book 24 Snowflakes in Tatting by Lene Bjorn. It still needs washing and blocking but I love it and want to show it off! Good night!

OOOOHHHHHH gosh darn this was just before the madness in the world began!!!!! I'm so thankful that Angela is willing to visit outside, social distancing, so we can still be in person. Phone is good, but in person is lots better!!!

OMGG the items one comes across when cleaning off/out one's home desk! Now guess it's a good thing the published date was not kept! You were so uplifting a friend and coworker during those sometimes GRRRR years!!!! Thank you!

Hmm I didn't know about this place and after seeing it posted in MPQ I wanted to share with friends!

Ohhhh gosh I don't know what this will be now! I doubt it's a beaver, maybe a lobster? I've made a coffee with Bailey's and will enjoy my TIAS reading! Just had the second/last shingles shot and my arm is starting to ache so a break from cleaning and tatting, feet up for a rest!

This is what I wish to make for myself, a runner or scarf. I have the Ultimate Sashiko Sourcebook that will be my guide!

Jan 29th

Here's another treasure found while desk cleaning! The Three Mouseketeers from a printed off page from "Aurora On-Line Quilters" (as we were known back then) dated April 28, 2003!

My last shingles shot in the arm is hurting worse, but I joined Sylvia for a walk around her area to get my mind off the ache. Worked till I nudged it at the car! The wind was not too bad early afternoon but on my errands afterwards it picked up something fierce. BRRRRRR! 🌬

Jan 30th

WOW even cats out of flower patches! Wonder if it'll work for keeping deer away too!

Hmmmm now that Day 9 is complete, a halfway finished TIAS, I'm back to my beaver (swimming) or a skunk guess. Maybe the second part will be building of the body around the no picot part adding 2 eyes and a nose at the end before finishing the body off? Jane is so sneaky with her blog comments.

Just finished off The Eighth Day of December from my book 24 Snowfkakes in Tatting by Lene Bjorn! This was a tough one and now that I've got the flow down I'm going to redo it for gift giving and keep this one myself!

Jan 31st

Thank you Angela for reminding me of this project! This year I'm doing it with a journal of daily reflections which are then condensed into a weekly one! And I found my special Peanut Butter jar I grew up with and found again, this one was made into a coin bank! 

Every week write something that made you laugh, that you did, saw, anything that made you happy or sad, what you are thank-full for each week. Write this on a piece of paper and put in a special box or container and then on New Year’s Eve you read them over reflecting on the year 2021. You will have 52 pieces of paper to read.

UPDATE: desk/stand is now spoken for!

Yeah!!!!! One-third of my cleaning project is complete and now this outfit (minus items on top) is ready for a new home, in very good shape. I've someone interested but if not picked up, it'll be open for requests and if not it's going to Hands of Hope this week! I need the space ASAP!!!

Now the fun begins! My new laptop is set up just to connect to my wireless. That's after I finish rearranging my furniture and get set up! Talk about it being compact now!!!

I'm hooked up to my internet, not the printer as yet and playing around! I'm quite nervous but so far all is good! My temporary setup until the desk is gone and I can rearrange furniture.

I'm rewarding myself with my yummy Santa Lucia Special pizza with a ceasar, no wine on hand!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Back to My Apartment

Ohhhh brother I'm trying to reorganize half my living room to get rid of a desk and printer stand to alleviate some clutter! Well all I accomplished this morning was to gather the small keeper Christmas ornaments into the new boxes, still have the larger items to find storage for. Then went to put them into my closet and naturally cleaned up in there! It's noon and nothing much done in the livingroom as yet! My wagon is filling up with donation stuff. 

After lunch I've cleaned off and from under my recycled desk and washed it. Then tackled the printer stand, cleared out, boxed to move into where ever later! Had to stop as paper and my fingers don't work well together. 

Worked until suppertime but still not even halfway through it all, but condensed lots, garbaged some too! Tomorrow's another day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

A Cold Day - Jan 26th

Well talk about a cold day! I know it is when my windows are frosted up! 

Then on my walk up to Portage Ave my glasses frosted over so bad I couldn't see shapes never mind ice, people or cars, so off they came. 

And on the drive over to St Vital on errands I came across these bear snow scuptures, AWESOME!!! 

Final stop was to Sylvia's for a quick unload of frozen food from her move in November into her new freezer. 

Then home to relax listening to Quilter on Fire Cobble Hill Puzzles podcast! I've the Crazy Quilt one plus another Crazy Patch by another company, neither seals have been broken yet! 

And one I'd like to get one day!

Aruna posted this, maybe check it out! The polar bear artist will be famous! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ 

She is going to be interviewed on Thursday at 8.00am on with Kelly and Ryan

Kelly and Ryan

Hmmmm Day 7 of TIAS and I'm not sure anymore about the North American beaver guess. Not sure what Jane's mind dreamt up! πŸ€”

Sunday, January 24, 2021

A Busy Day!

Oh talk about a busy day, feeling like I was back at work!  It started with untangling cords and disengaging the desktop tower and packing it, the old laptop and my new HP laptop and hauling all over to Tommy!  See he's my lifesaver computer wise all these years keeping my oldies working!  Now it's time to move on and upwards!  πŸ‘Œ  But he needed my input for a bit before I could leave him to his magic!

Then over to pickup some more yummy homemade cookies from Angela's and a brief outside visit!  And finishing at Sylvia's in time to be the doorman while her freezer was delivered and set up (ordered back in October).  Then a quick check that I could get ZOOM on my tablet while there so we'll be ready for our MPQ class next week!  YEAH it works!

And here is Sylvia's mini sized International Sisters piece, needs embellishing and quilting too! Different layout! Love the fabric n colours!

Then back home to sew!  Okay this is the last picture until I get the beaded embellishments and then figure out how to quilt it! πŸ˜‰ 

Thank you to Melissa and Sylvia for your ideas, I definitely like this better than adding other Down Under fabrics for the HSTs! ❀

Hmmmm Day 6 of TIAS and I'm still going with the North American beaver. Otherwise not sure what Jane's mind dreamt up! πŸ˜‰

Saturday, January 23, 2021

International Sisters Blocks

I couldn't wait for tomorrow! 

Boy it's not too often I sew till 10ish at home but I was so close to finishing the sashing, tonight was an exception! Hmmmm maybe a might bigger than I was thinking but there's only one sister I'd take out not three, so it stays! Last step is HSTs to set in and corners to square up! Now feet up watching the JETS and enjoying a hot Bailey's! 

It'll be awhile till I finish this off as I'll be embellishing the sisters plus sewing another Aussie/NZ fabric project for a reversible hanger.  πŸ€”πŸ˜‰πŸ€—

WOW, no I've not seen this!  Well at least I thought so but while visiting Merle n Jim in Australia, they took me to a more relaxed type of zoo that had one there, but no performance then.  Hmmm I wonder if I've a picture of it!

White Peacock

Catchup - Jan 22nd-23rd

Jan 22nd

Well TIAS Day 5 is uploaded! Hmmm still going with the North American beaver. Shoot, I'd planned on brown and cream, then changed to red! Ohhh well it'll have the Canadian colours whatever it becomes!

OMGG what a day and it's not over yet!!!!! 

Started with sewing up more International Sisters Blocks, then off for an awesome walk with Edna in her neck of the woods, where we saw a huge white jack rabbit hopping ahead of us. Then finishing I thought with a car wash, inside, outside n underneath, she needed it!!! Nope not finished with the good vibes yet! 

A text arrived that my HP laptop was delivered to the St James store 11ish today, well I'm just down the street so off I went to check in store as they're not answering their phone and no pick up text as yet. The doorman sent me to an area, worker checked, brought me my laptop and said good timing as it was next up to set up for pickup! It was possible shipping by the 27th! HOLY MOLY!!!!! 

Okay back to my sewing and I've found my fabric for Tuesday's class with Melissa so cutting is next!

Jan 23rd

I'm pooped and stressed out! Computer work does that to me!!! All I did was transfer files from screen saved to actual folders plus looking for my Australian/NZ pictures that I KNOW Tom had found for me ladt year. But dang it I honestly thought I had saved them into a specific folder - NADA!!! Lucky Tom has a backup of my pics on his huge storage drive AND he's found them again! I OWE him big time that's for sure! 🀩🀩🀩 So over the week I worked on and off on my reduced to 5.25" unfinished International Sisters Blocks of my Australian/NZ fabrics and now have them completed for my wall hanging (not the MPQ project)!!! Now it's to decide on the HSTs all around after I cut and stitch on the sashings! YES these sister blocks are addicting! But soon something from my travels!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Catchup - Jan 19th-20th

Jan 19th

Brrrrrr it's a chilly day here, so I'm glad I'm home and TIAS Day 4 is in and done! Hmmmm reminds me of our Canadian beaver's huge oval tail. Ohhhhh!

Jan 20th

OMGG another UFO that hasn't been touched yet whereas Sylvia's is finished!

Ohhhhh after my relaxing massage, ordering my HP laptop, I played with the International Sisters Block pattern I reduced to 4.75" finished size. Initially I was hoping for an Australian fabric for sashing but that was too busy, then I auditioned a cream and coppery brown, the darker won out in my preference, more Australian and matching my apartment. I'm finally making myself a wall hanging show casing my Australian and New Zealand fabrics from 2015. Now this was my original plan for my wall hanging but looking at it I think I'm just going to have the sisters blocks edged with HST to make it square. So more sisters to cut and sew this week!

And to top off my day a new pressie for me! Do you have this one Heather K, since you were the one who got me hooked and just had to stop to check out her shop on my return trip!  😘