Saturday, January 01, 2022

New Year's Eve

Dec 30th

Ohhh not sure if it's a full moon or it's this cold spell that's to blame, it's not extra treats or different foods from me!  They are in and out, briefly and often!

Crazy Griffin got me up an hour after I fell asleep, he had gone dnstrs???  So called him up and he ran to the door.  Yeppers all had to go again, guess they really didn't finish before coming in before bed.  Then 3am he was prancing around again and yep out for a poop!  Guess this cold is playing havoc with being outside long enough to do all???  

And yep I'm cranky today!  Having a coffee, feet up, watching Oilers/Blues retelevised hockey game!

Hmmmmm that's not all!  

Ohhhh we have an issue!!! 🥴 WHY ME??? 🙄

I went down to mop hair off the stairs and check why Griff went down after bed last night and found a mess, cleaned up. Then went to clean off the hair into the bathroom bin and water everywhere, also in the laundry room. OH OH!!!! A different mop was needed, found the leak, turned off the toilet tap, mopped all up or pushed to the drain and some time later able to put my feet up and have a grilled cheese sandwich and another coffee. It does not show any damage on the brand new flooring, but I'm no expert!  

Nope not owning property for me!!! 😉

Hopefully the rest of the visit is uneventful AND no more snow!!! Back to sewing to relax! 😊

Dec 31st

First off, 'Thank You' to Jane T. of Denmark for your lovely tatted heart and Snowflake along with your letter!  LOVE THEM!  I totally love these Fringe Tatters exchanges!

Secondly, Happy New Year's to everyone!  Here it's very cold and we've snow too!  Stay warm and safe from Covid too!  Celebrate smart!  💞💞💞

A sisterly New Year's Eve celebration with Peking Chinese (extras each for another meal)! Awesome!!! Now some puzzle time for awhile and maybe an evening shrimp cocktail snack!

Happy New Year's Eve to everyone from the both of us! 💞💞💞

WOW!!! I truly did not think I'd stay so late visiting and setting that puzzle tonight?  We got a lot more than this completed after our snack.

It was 11:20 when I noticed the time and we said Happy New Year to each other and I left. 

As I neared home I realized it was close to midnight, so pulled in behind the Marion Shopping mall across from the Forks but only a few were set off then nothing! So went home instead!

Onto newer and better everything in 2022 for everyone!

Jan 1st

And today Sylvia took a picture of how far we got before being too tired to finish.  So close!!!

Let's  hope, wish and pray it's a much better 2022 for us, your family and friends and the World!  💞💞💞

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