Monday, March 02, 2020

Leap Year into March

Feb 28th

I swear majority of the young people today do not know three quarters of these and the next generation will be worse off yet. 《Shaking my head》

Feb 29th

Finally late last night I got some nice and playfull pics of Jake!

The ladies are back from Cuba, and now we're here at the Promenade Cafe and Wine on Tache/Provencher for supper before Ruth returns to Ottawa!  And here is my gifts from Elianis!  Totally unexpected but glad it's the two things I loved the most from there!

March 1st

Rough night and sluggish day!  Jake played more!  Stayed up to watch the Jets hockey game before leaving the crew for the few hours till owners got home.  That backfired as their departure was delayed so arrival was too!  I stayed the night, dogs were noisy 3:45 so I got up to let them out, good thing.  Back to bed and 5:05 again restless and again good thing I'd let them out or maybe another accident.  I checked my email flight notices and saw they had arrived and 5:45 texted they were getting bags and home soon.  Well one as one did not arrive!  So 7ish going home, unload and back to bed till 11ish.  Woke sluggish and ear and throat aching again, getting it and sinuses checked hopefully tomorrow!  🤨

I'm finally using my lovely Chicadees large steeping tea cup and enjoying loose Chai tea with honey and milk!  Ohhhh so good!

March 2nd

I wondered what those high winds were gonna bring in!  Guess were not finished with winter just yet!

I was lucky there was a cancellation and the receptionist called to switch me in to see my Dr today instead of tomorrow!  So I've a low grade fever plus sinus, right ear and throat infection - on antibiotics for the first time in years!  All I know is I'm whimpy when sick!  😳

Isn't it enough to feel shitty but after picking up my prescription and a few essential groceries, I still have to crawl around under my car when the paper bag ripped and items rolled!  NOT FAIR!!!  Gotta remember to return reusable bags to the car pronto!!!!

Well I can't just relax!!!!  Today I tatted Ruth Perry's Celtic Shamrocks, but was clueless to her "then direct tat back over the stem".  This was the first time Google didn't help.  Thanks to Jane Eborall's suggestion to try "encapsulation" that I was able to finish the first two and reload for the next two!  Thank you Jane!!!  🤗🤗🤗

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