Thursday, October 10, 2019

Leaving Toronto! Returning Home!

Ohhhh I forgot to post pics of my very first oil paintings I'd done!  These were completed just before Yvonne moved to Mississauga and married John.  It's awesome see them again and know they are still appreciated some 35 years later.  AWE!!!

Well we've left Toronto on time, had my last glimpse of the Marilyn Monroe Towers and Mississauga, but no CN Tower, and cruising homeward!

Well I've arrived in Winnipeg safe and sound and waiting for my pickup that's stuck in traffic!  Crazy weather and way too soon!  I wanna go back to Toronto RIGHT NOW!!!!!!

Yucky poo!  I really really want to turn around and go back!  I'm not ready for this white stuff just yet!  🤣🤣🤣

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