Monday, August 14, 2006

Gosh it's QUIET

Hmmm, my sister left this morning when I left for work and when I came home it sure is quiet!!!

Well it was another 13 hour day today at both jobs and I repeat this tomorrow too but I'll be all alone for the evening 4 hours - UGH! We are closing this location August 31st and we still have probably a good 30-40 larges boxes of stock not opened from last week's MEGA shipment. WHY are we getting stock the last month, I don't know!!! As for the day job, it sure felt great today to get two of my reports off to the printer and hopefully the 220 pg Yearbook tomorrow too! It feels good to get some projects caught up and now hope it continues so I can maybe get back into a routine again!

As for my aches, they are getting better and I called my Dr and there should be a followup appointment for the MRI results soon, now I wonder how long I'll have to wait.

Well back to my postcards and hopefully they'll go in the mail soon.

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