Thursday, August 04, 2022

Catchup - pre Churchill

July 31st

What a great day, hope rain holds out so we can stay out longer today, than yesterday's 5 minute ventures! 🤞
My AC stopped after supper, today I checked the booklet and it needed water drained, so I did that and VOILA it's working again!!!  I refuse to buy another one, this is it till I move one day to a "adult/55 plus" type of all included maybe place.  😉

Thank you MPQ quilting guild for signing the paid membership up for the Global Quilt Connection July Sampler Platter this weekend! It was an awesome two days of 3 hour sessions with various quilt related artists and their PDF handouts! I still took notes on some and will attach them to my printouts! There are many ideas percolating in my brain for mini quilts but that will have to wait until I'm back from Churchill!
Here's the new lineup for September:

Aug 1st

YEAH finally our (Sylvia and I) Churchill tour is happening starting tomorrow morning! Can't wait!!!

Charter bus (8 hrs) to Ashern for lunch, to  Thompson for group supper, overnight, maybe quilt shop and Pisew Falls visit with Michelle of MPQ instead of city bus tour. Board train 4:30pm to Churchill (16 hrs) overnight, supper n breakfast on train. 
Aug 4th, Churchill 5 days includes whale watching and Prince of Wales Fort tours, town bus tour, dog sled on wheels tour and rides, tundra buggy polar bears tour, ending with a day or so on our own checking out more tours or interpretive centres and gift shops. Breakfasts and suppers included.
Aug 9th, board train 6:30pm overnight, breakfast on train, arrive Thompson, afternoon bus tour, group supper and overnight. Hotel breakfast and board bus 8am, Ashern stop for lunch, and arrive in Winnipeg 6pm or there abouts!

What's listed is all included!
WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!

Aug 2nd

We're off, now at Humpty's waiting for the bus!  Sylvia was able to put my walking stick in her suitcase as it's 3" taller!  YEAH!!!

Okay it's not a dream! We're on the bus!

I can't sit and do NOTHING!!!

Woke to forest fire damage.

We're not even half and I want OFFFFFFF!!!
We're the blue dot!!!  Sylvia says we're prisoners on this bus!  Hopefully stopping at Grand Rapids!!!!!

Am I cold?????  Will I survive this trip?????

Ohhhh we've the Fugitives, musicians, on our bus and he's softly playing and singing! WOW!!! We're softly being serenaded!!!

Dang it! We just past Grand Rapids with the lake on my right BUT by the time I grabbed my camera we were back in the bush!

Okay we're maybe 3/4s of the way and "Are we there yet?" popped into my head and out loud it errupted, chuckles followed from others! This is from trips with 10 year old Amanda every 10 minutes or so asking if we've arrived. It took me 7 hours after two stops before it was uttered! 16 hours tomorrow????

Aug 3rd

Oh what a trying night, but all was good! This morning was nice and sunny after yesterday's rainy spells. Michelle picked us up, show n tell at Jan Hall's awesome creative home (hubby's too).

Then off to the NEEDLE'S EYE FABRICS sewing shop here in Thompson where we met Sylvia and Leonard the owners! Talk about a chuckle and a touching memory for my Sylvia who's hubby was Leonard too! 

Thank you Michelle! 💞💞💞  

Now back to the hotel, boarded our bus and onto Pisew Falls!  Yeah!!!!!

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