Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Churchill - Day 5

 Aug 8th 

Churchill walkabout before our Beluga-Prince of Wales Fort tour in the afternoon. It was lovely but DANG those peaky TINY black flies, worse than the HUGE mighty biting mosquitoes on our buses!

It was very interesting when we went back to the Beluga beached ship. There was a Conservation Officer in a truck apparently watching a polar bear, we steered clear of that area. Onto the top deck of the ship we saw the belugas playing then one of the sightseers yelled "there's a bear where we just were swimming"! Honestly about eight 18-22 year olds were wet and wrapped in blankets, said it was chilly but felt good. Then we noticed the truck moved on the other side of us honking it's horn for awhile. Nope that bear was still heading for shore, so another truck arrived honking longer, not working! So out came the cracker rifles and it took 3-4 shots before the bear angled out to the Bay away from the Public Beach. And off went one truck further down the road keeping an eye on it.

Leo Mol sculpture 

CN Rail Train Station

In front of the Tamarack. 

On someone's house.

The local rock building of the B&B not finished! 

Another house decor.

This is for girl guides and boy scouts.

The Health Centre from the Bay side, love the skies.


A polar bear swimming from the rocky point the Conservation Officers were keeping an eye on.

He stopped to check us out.

He's getting closer to shore and 3 trucks converged honking to no success so the cracker rifles came out and the bear swerved out to the Bay more.

At this point he did a 45° out into the Bay.

We were a bit pooped but are back for lunch and at the room resting before our Beluga whales boat tour.

Oh ohhhhhh!!! Are we even going out with the fog coming in???

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