Friday, March 19, 2021

My New Table!

My pet sitting pal Katsu and Joan and Harold have moved into a Retirement Residence and some of their furniture and home is being sold. Sad to see that era is ending but hopefully new adventures for them all once this Covid is in control! 🙏🙏🙏 

Anyways, I've always admired this one accent table in their living room and after a couple weeks of internal debate I asked Monika if it was moved over, spoken for, sold already or still up for sale. I heard back it's for sale and she was going to contact the real estate agent if still available. Then another text arrived, it's available and Joan wants to gift it to me! Well I was all teared up and had to pull in the reins or I'd be bawling, AWESOME!!!! ❤ Thank you Joan & Harold, plus Monika & Jeff and lastly Trudy and a man for helping me load it up! 

It's even better than I remembered as it has a greenish tinge to it not the reddish brown I thought, with matching painted back on it! Now to rearrange my space around my chair to utilize it as part office storage but mostly for my handwork items I use often. 

Ain't she gorgeous???  💖💖💖

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