Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Day 5

I'm so ticked at myself!  I prepped my machine for free motion, traced my pattern onto tracing paper and went to town FMQing, it was going fairly easily and started to remove the paper when I CURSED!!!  I forgot to change the THREAD!!!  So now it's "rippit" "rippit" "rippit" time!!!  🤨🤨🤨  But I just LOVE my Big Foot that I ordered off Amazon this week and it arrived yesterday!!!

WHO played with the thermostat today?  I was to return to Winnipeg tomorrow but have decided to wait till Friday as it's supposed to warm up with snow.  Guess it'll depend on how much snow is expected on Friday if I wait till Saturday even.  Good thing I've nothing I HAVE to be home for!  ☃️☃️☃️

And here's what Sylvia worked on today!

So I'm spending the evening planning the last wedge on my FMQ project!  Getting ready for a cold day inside with more quilting.

Back to the puzzle!!!

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