Sunday, December 22, 2019


WOW!  This was awesome arriving to sit with Jake, so quiet without Wheeler and Griffin this time, to find this big gift wrapped box!  At first I thought it was something else inside but, gob swabbed me, it was REAL!!!!  WOW, all three boys, with Angie's help as Santa, gifted me my own!  Way over indulged I am!  😮🤗😍

But now I can have it at home or wherever instead of just when at Angie's or Nancy n Stefan's.  Also heard there is a Nespresso shop in Polo Park so I can get my favourites and keep these stronger varieties for company. Now when I move and have the girls over they can enjoy stronger coffee than I always make and drink, I just use the larger setting and huge mug!

Thank you hugs to Wheeler, Griffin and Jake alongwith Angie for this gift!  P.S. Wheels is growing up and not as bad as he used to be! I'm not as scared to play with them nowadays as both listen to gentle and easy when horsing around. 💞💞💞

Angie:  You deserve it after looking after these crazy critters!  Merry Christmas Rose Anne!!

Hmmmm the squirrel has been at the feeder I see!

Relaxing with my feet up!  But it's mild outside!  Maybe going out soon!

This squirrel and rabbit must know the dogs aren't around!

Only in Canada, eh!!!

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