Saturday, April 30, 2022

Catchup - April 28th-30th

April 28th

So here's my MPQ ABC Mystery Bag quilt, washed n dried ready for drop off later today!  This was a quilt with many challenges as I did not have enough fabric to finish plans and cut things incorrectly, but finally finished.  I used Pat Speth MAB's #6 and #14 (altered).

Mystery Bag fabrics.

My fabric stash add ins plus outer backing fabric.

Another long day! Smitty's breakfast treat from Sylvia, an errand and some normal shopping before back to Sylvia's. She made chicken taco salad sans diced tomatoes - ohh well still very good. Then she washed/dried my mystery quilt for me and combined our fabric purchases in a load too! Awesome! Even perused her books and magazines for new projects 👍 as if I need more!!!!  

Then I left to drop off my mystery quilt to be included in the ABC project, Angela's baby towel gift (was given this panel which will be another ABC quilt) and lastly the serged towel for Edna's hair then home to relax with feet up! Another great day!!!

April 29th

Love it!

Yes to repurposing but a different colour for my tastes!

Those with back yards, pools or not, worth a try?

I just about hit one the other day and now there are more!

April 30th

Ohhh another lovely day even if wet n dreary out!!! I picked up my 'artsy' sister and headed to this Art Show and to meet up with Karen Moffatt. Lovely!!!! The Church ladies put on a lunch special of homemade soup, sandwich, pickles, dessert and coffee or tea for - get this - $7!!! Can you believe it??? It was delicious!

Then we checked out the various artwork on display/sale and picked up printed greeting cards and magnets. I also got my sewing needle from Sylvia before dropping her off!

Since I was earlier than I thought, I headed out to Aunt Monica's Attic and FOUND a Pepsi puzzle, matching set of beads (in above picture) for a scissor fob and some blue tatting thread to finish off the last two heart postcards one day!

Now feet up and back to my hexies project, one side is complete. Second identical side halfway sewn up. Then I'll sandwich it and hand quilt it too.

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