Friday, April 22, 2022

Catchup - April 17th-22nd

April 17th


Dang it this time the forecast seems to be more accurate! Yes it's snowing again and supposed to increase into the afternoon and continue all day!

I'm relieved that I've maybe completed the inside quilting on this baby! This is just too much for me to handle even on my Brother! Will check it out in daylight and see how it looks. I still have to quilt the outer border, but that should be easy!

April 18th

I saw this on one of my groups. Will have to show Dr McE that I'm very active when quilting, he'll get a good chuckle.

April 19th

Well another day with appointments and I've just found another benefit of reaching 65 - annual plus 80% covered eye exams - good thing as that's another downer started with aging, eye issues! And found out that most optical places are a drop off for the recycling of old Eyewear through the Cdn Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centre CLERC, so another bag is gone outta here!

Also I received a lovely bag of Easter dinner goodies from Pat and family for my supper today and maybe lunch tomorrow! 💞

Once home, I started working on another set of postcards - hexies hand stitched then machine embellished, but these won't be sent out till the other set is completed. 😉🤞 Then I've just gotten another WOW idea for a couple more, then I'll switch to other projects. That would be 11 fabric postcards for the Ukraine refugees support fundraiser from me (minimum donation is $20/postcard at the Ukrainian Museum of Canada). 😘

April 21st

SHEESH another one!!!!

I hope they are wrong the full impact of this one too!!!

I totally agree and if that'll be the case here I won't be shopping there. I still insist a 'cashier' period!

"UPDATE: just heard it's peanuts coverage for vision by MB Health! Will let you know when I get my refund!"

Today was another OHHH surprised events! 😃 First off my TV had picture BUT no sound, deal with that later!  

Then off to pick out my new eye glasses! There was my first surprise! An over 65 benefit is Manitoba Health covers a percentage of my glasses, just fill in the form and send it in! AWESOME! I thought getting eye examinations moved to annual and majority covered automatically was GREAT NEWS the other day! Now glasses covered to a set amount too is just WOW!!! I mean I've personal insurance so that was covered 80% to a max $$$, so this is even better!  

Then back home and still no TV sound. Checked Shaw troubleshooting for this and VOILA, 5 minutes by myself I have sound back!!! Surprised myself getting that fixed without a long called in wait!

Maybe the rest of my day will continue such! 😉

I played more with the next set of postcards for the Ukraine refugees support fundraiser! I'm very pleased with the first result! 😉 At first I was thinking of an egg shape as the fabric design reminded me of Easter Egg decorations but went with the heart!

April 22nd

After talking with my sister yesterday I worked on this Easter Egg and added beads to flower centers to the other heart and egg too.

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