Sunday, April 24, 2022

Catchup - April 22nd-24th

April 22nd

Thank you to Ewa of NeedlePoint Place, now at 113 Marion Street, for having an 0.4mm crochet hook to allow me to add beads to my tatting trims for the finer tatting threads and tiny beads!

Much appreciated while waiting for my online ordered hooks (spares for when I again snap off the hook - DUH) to arrive from Artisanthropy of Whitby, Ontario.

Ohhhh boy, here's what the Weather Network says for us next few days! And it's raining out my windows heavy and steady. Wonder what it'll look like out there after this storm passes, winter again or spring finally!!!

April 23rd

So what does one do on such a weekend - well I sew my day away!

April 24th

Okay I've completed the last four postcards for the Ukraine refugees support fundraiser. Two more of the heart and egg with tatted edges and two of a Sunflower field near Neepawa MB I've stopped and taken pictures of (noted on the backs). These will be mailed off this week to Monika Kinner.

So here is a summary of all the fabric postcards for the Ukraine refugees support fundraiser I've made. Even with the minimum donation of $20, I'm helping to contribute $220 to this cause. I've tried to go online to the museum to see postcards submitted but they are not on at all. Too bad!

Crazy patched eggs with machine embroidery.   First set already mailed off. 

Hand stitched together hexies, placed and machine embroidered then trimmed to size. 

Fabric shape fused to backing and machine embroidered, one has beads in flower centers, Allison's Edging with beads hand stitched and trimmed to size. 

Fabric shape fused to backing and machine embroidered, both have beads in flower centers, Allison's Edging with beads hand stitched and trimmed to size. 

Foreground fabric fused to sky backing, layered over thin batting, Sulky invisible thread for quilting and trimmed to size. 

That's done with, now back to my MPQ ABC Mystery Bag quilt, just needs trimming and the binding added! Hopefully this week finished!

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