Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Catchup - March 4th

March 4th

Ohhhhh It's a beautiful morning!  There's a song something to this isn't there?

A good night for all of us and look at the sunrise too!

Hey nifty idea!!!!

WOW will have to make a mini of this one for myself! 💞

Playtime again? And contact again with my poor insides! They couldn't get closer without being ontop of me!!! Didn't last long, now cuddled napping! Guess I'm held captive here for awhile! Glad I've my coffee and toys!

She's butting in again!!!!

And pushed Bubba away!  Sorry guy!!!

Napping again!  Cramped quarters!!!

He's gotta be touching me too!  ❤❤❤

Something I'm learning more and more lately!

Dang dang dang they have been fairly good not venturing on the huge banks in the yard! Should have known better when Dahli climbed the bank to do her business this morning, but she turned around! Not so the second time, she's in the lead with Bubba close behind not listening to my calls to come back! Musta heard the friendly neighbours dogs out as they were heading that way (haven't seen them since snowfall). So treats to the rescue and thank GOD they didn't cross the buried fence. That's it both are very unhappy with me for putting their fence collars on!!! Too bad, I nearly had a stroke!!!

I saw these bits of stuffing but not sure where from until today Dahli's gagging on some! AH HAH squirrelly had a hole! So I took him away much to her growling and patched him up! As good as new, but she doesn't want him now! 🤣🤣🤣

Dang it!!!!! I got Dahli back in, she does not like cold long. BUBBA has been out half an hour roaming the closer snowdrifts and even with bits of treats I can't get him inside. He's standing on his backside as his paws are cold. I've left treats at the door and it's open hoping he'll come in eventually and the door will close behind him????? YOWSERS!!!!

Next time their harnesses and leashes for doing their business!!!!!!

Okay next time outside is on leashes, not putting up with silliness! Yeah and BOTH are unhappy being harnessed!

Good thing I've a large glass of wine to enjoy tonight!

My hopefully next charity quilt but needs lots of work! But it'll be a nifty I Spy ABCs learning quilt!

I'm going to miss working on this puzzle but guess I should leave some for Taunya! 😉 Reminds me of Bubba and Dahli except for the coloring.

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