Friday, May 14, 2021

Catchup - May 10th-14th

May 10th

It was awesome taking a break from quilting and walking with Edna this fine afternoon! I totally missed these crocuses but Edna spoke up and I saw the seven deer! 50/50 We stopped for our favourite Tim's before heading home!  Total 13,317 steps.

May 11th

Today was a lovely walk in Bois des Esprits park with Sylvia. Not too much wildlife today compared to other visits and considering it was such a lovely day, not too many people either! It's a total shame to see the continous deterioration of the Spirit Tree! Why can't hoodlums leave what's not their's alone!!! Sad!! Oh and again I forgot to shut off the tracker and drove from the north end entrance to NoFrills! So will have to rewalk that another time to get the real reading.

I've never seen these two white trees before! 

Nor was this visible previous years, brush has been cleared whether by humans or beavers. 

Finally a new carving I've spotted! 

May 12th

YEAH YEAH YEAH I've finished the quilting on my scrappy challenge and will have it bound by Friday. Just under the deadline for this challenge to submit pictures! 😜😜😜 Wrap up story and pictures to follow closer to the end of May.

So Edna a while back asked if we could walk to Brookside Cemetery, around and back some day! Well we tried today, didn't enter the cemetery as it was nearing 4 kms already. So checked the creek out and stopped at the A&W across from RRC on Notre Dame for our first root beer float! Edna announced summer is official mow with this first! 🤣🤣🤣 But we won't be walking this route again, way too noisy and dusty with all the truck traffic, we'll stick to those we liked! And again I forgot to shut off the tracker before driving away, but as we neared my car it announced 8 kms.

May 13th

Yahooooieeee!!!! During the MPQ ZOOM meeting tonight I succeeded to hand stitch 3/4s of the binding on the Sisters Scrap Challenge quilt and just now totally finished all stitching! It's finished size is 50" x 55 3/4". So tomorrow I'll take my pictures and send it in to complete the challenge!!!! I truly didn't think I'd ever get those flippin' HSTs sewn up from the scraps received to actually sew up a top never mind "finish it"! At one point I was just going to lay it aside but my friends egged me on inspiring me to keep sewing! Thank you ladies! 💞💞💞

May 14th

And now the Sisters Scrap Challenge picture was taken and sent in, tomorrow is the deadline! YEAH!!! 

Here is a sneak peak of my leftover block I practiced my quilting on and made into my tray placemat. Now the quilting on this small piece is TOTALLY different than quilting on a 50" x 55 3/4" plus layered piece!!! I'm so anxious to show you my pics and it's driving me crazy, but the end of the month is not that far away, right! 🤥

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