Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Catchup - Dec 14th-22nd

 Dec 14th

Ohhhh I miss you guys!!!! All my special pet friends too!

Oooohhhhhh how appropriate, Covid is the Grinch that is stealing Christmas!!! I've always liked De Suess books and my friends finding this Christmas card is awesone! Now honestly people smarten up so we can get out of this mess! And if you're against vaccines then smarten up even more and stay home till this clears!!!

Dec 15th

Update: I picked up some more cards and spent last night writing 18 cards each for both the Deer Lodge Centre and Riverview Health Centre. Plus one for All Care Givers at each centre! I thought my arm was going to go limp as I wrote a personal message in each. The Riverview ones were dropped off at the collection address nearby and the lady waved an ecstatic thank you!!! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž 

 Hey this just came via email and I screensaved it to share here! I've mailed off some to two care homes already! Gonna have to remember this for next year!

Thank you Carol for posting this! I was trying to explain about the polio shot and the many with that shot spared the crippling disease, but some seen about periodically. That's why I'm for all vaccines!

Now I know what a tight tatting shuttle feels like, my poor thumb! I'm back to my snowflakes and decided to try my new long pick shuttles ordered from the Stitchers Muse on Vancouver Island. 


The one on the left is the Albino Horn #934 with an awesome feel and good thread glide. The darker one is the Golden Horn #937 and very very tight to the point I honestly thought my Lizbeth cotton was going to shred by the time I finished loading and tatting the ornament, hopefully it will loosen up! So I returned to a previously tatted pattern, Tatted Snowflake by JoAnn Engelbrecht. On the left is Lizbeth #601 white and on the right Liz Metallic #312 Iridescent, both size 20, but metallic is slightly thicker! Not sure which I like better though?

Well they turned off posts for this event so am sharing to let you know there is a price for online viewing! Something I'm totally annoyed with and not going to participate in! Would have been better to be free with a link to a "registered" Charity for donations after viewing! My preference, like the CP Rail Holiday Train I viewed and donated too!!!

Dec 17th

OMGG!!!! This is one of so many UFOs I have to get back to one of these days! This is supposed to be a carrying bag for my 18" bobbin lace pillow! It will be quilted in black or dark green thread starting in the centre and spiralling outwards. The sides will be 1/" inch apart straight lines. Jacqui tried to go back to where she bought her's but they were all gone! Thankfully when in Cuba I picked up a lovely made tote for my smaller square travel pillow!

Jacqui's pillow tote front.


My large round pillow.

My Cuban travel tote with a hedgehog pin!

Dec 18th

Gosh wish I had a back yard for this character?

Ohhhh it's so cool with that wind blowing through these poor windows that I kinda didn't want to venture outdoors! But I can tell you I totally enjoyed the 5 km walk with Edna through Bunn's Creek! It was so sunny that at times I could barely drive or see vehicles while crossing roads! Yes a totally delightful day even if my hip was acting up! πŸ€—

We're on the Red River on the east side off Henderson Hwy. 

Parking lot to the Red River and back just under 5 kms.

My first painted rock I've found and left there. 

Just relaxing my back n hip! 

What a view too! 

And once home a night view with the crescent moon, with my micro lights and their reflections in the outer window! 

Dec 19th

OMGG I could not sit at my machine near the window any longer for my Aurora ZOOM gathering. My feet were so chilled and I had my fleece slippers on! As soon as Christmas is over I'm taking down the micro lights and plastic covering this huge drafty window!

What a lovely day, first ZOOM gathering of some Aurora quilters, tatted more button snowflakes, finished off two requested masks for Andrea before trying to download the 3d Mask pattern, ZIPPO!!!! Thank you Tami for coming to the rescue!

Then finishing off the evening with a tour of a few St Vital homes and Arbo Flora, all snazzied up! Yes I drove past your place Linda and then across to St Mary's, the perimeter to Pembina Hwy, to Tami's to drop off buttons for her project before finally heading home! Some homes were bare, some modestly lit, some beautifully lit and then there were those out to garner some attention to way overdone. Then home to the Legislative grounds that always fascinates me with this moose!

Arbor Flora next #1 to #4




Across from Linda!

Lots of these lovely Snowmen everywhere!!!

The start to the Legislative grounds, river side! 

I wonder if they have smaller ones to put up on trails?

Dec 21st

Ooohhhhh, this just about had me bawling!!!! Thank you Karen for this beauty, hanging under my sewing lamp in the winter corner!

He's sitting inside my window on the outside snow ledge ❣

Dec 22nd

I think it's going to be an even quieter Christmas for me as I seem to be coming down with a cold! Just sniffling n sneezing n achy throat/ears again, no chills or fever! Guess it's a good thing we're to "stay home"!

Luckily last week I picked up what meds I had run out of after the fall session! I'm thinking it's my sinuses again as I feel a little better after the morning nasal spray, just ears and throat soreness!  

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