Monday, February 17, 2020

Packed Monday

The little stinker woke me 5ish as he had to go out!  Don't get me wrong I'm glad he did rather than clean out his kennel!  🤗  BUT it took over half an hour to get him back in.  So I shut off the 6 am alarm and Fred woke me 7:30 for his breakfast - Taunya he's eatin' all each time. This time I put Bubba into his playpen with a couple toys and I crawled back to bed till 9:30, still groggy and no wine yet!!!!  Ohhhh and when I go out with Bubba I may have started something with Fred as he comes out each time and nudges me to "come on I'm waiting"!!!!  😘  The first time he stood patiently by me and I reached down with both hands and massaged his neck and back gently while Bubba ran around.  Well it's stuck now!!!!  🤗🤗🤗  OK there starts the mess all over again!!!!  Oh oh he's back to chewing the quilts so distracting him!  He's tough!  Then when I took it away he attacked my hand!

This is sad, have found unique items shopping here!  Pier 1 is closing Canada stores!

He spent a good hour outside with Fred, before Fred came inside for a nap.  Bubba was barking at him to go out again and Fred barked back not moving!  It was funny as Bubba raced around, to the doggie door n back barking to no avail.  So I settled him with his teething chewie and now he's out too!  Good thing curling is on cause I'm not moving!

I just ❤❤❤ this picture!!!

What a thoughtful idea and use for ABC program maybe!  Might make a couple with some Canada fabrics left over from my own quilt?  🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

Hungry bunnies!!!!  And both dogs napping unconcerned!

I wonder what's in some people's minds? That's creativity!

I Need A New Bum

Finally after the THIRD attempt I've completed the FMQing (for non quilters - free motion quilting) with the top section of my drawn pattern in tatters (design from Quilters Niche off Pinterest)!  Not my best quilting!  Tomorrow is time enough for the label and binding!  UGH!!!  My Chiro gave me a full roll of her table paper and talk about ease of removal without pulling 90% of stitches.

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