Monday, March 25, 2019

Back in the Saddle!

Catchup on CQA #52blocks52weeks project.  I've collected a number of 150th Canada fabrics plus some newer fabrics lately for my own Canadian quilt - and how appropriate that CQA is offering this project!  Now to wait for Tuesday for the next installment!  Thank you to those organizing this project and the well planned instructions to ensure such near perfect finished sizing!  Makes this project so much fun!

I've finally caught up and now to wait for Tuesday and the next installment!  Thank you to those organizing this project and the well planned instructions to ensure such near perfect finished sizings!  Makes this project so much more fun!  Well except for the diamond block which I had to fuss with because of my one piece centre!  And as yet not sure what layout I'll use except the blocks won't be in sequential order as I'm thinking of more balance of colour etc.

And today I finished off four 9 patch blocks to go with the other days 6 blocks for the Carolina Hurricane Quilt Project from My Carolina Home that my friend Susan is collecting and sewing up quilts for.  So Tuesday I'll get them into the mail too!  WOW!  Guess I'm feeling lots better if I'm getting back into my quilting saddle again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, Rose Anne love those Canadian blocks especially the ones with writing, like newspaper articles. Lots of good work there XXX