Friday, February 11, 2011

Purging Again

Yep, I'm starting once again in my endeavours to clean up this apartment and sort my quilting stash and rearrange my sewing room. 

Today I worked on the corner near my stitching chair and cleared out boxes of second hand books read, some craft stuff I no longer want and from the bedroom a large bag of clothes and dropped these off at Valu Village.  I just about took out a bag of Aurora quillows which are awaiting a charitable organization to drop them off with.  So this corner is ready for my new 10-drawer cart which I'm going to store my beads and charms etc for my CQing.  Instead of all over the place like now. 

Maybe I'll even get to clear off the dining room table and couch this weekend?  Slowly but surely I am going to get this place back to what it used to be and open to visitors again!!!

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