Saturday, March 08, 2008

What a DAY!!!

I was on the go from 9:30 am and did manage to empty out my storage locker, garbaged some stuff, dropped some off at my nieces and Value Village and the rest just put back properly after cleaning too!!!

Then I tackled the apt storage closet and got the metal unit out and into the locker along with some of the plant stuff I'm keeping and then put the cube unit in the closet to use for some of the printer binders etc. The rest of the closet will be emptied tomorrow, sorted through and then rearranged for easy access again. At least my vacuum and broom have more room and the doors close easier!!! Maybe I'll even get to the hall closet - maybe not!!!

Then it was a quick shower and zip out the door to meet up with my Lewiscraft girls for a lovely supper at a Greek restaurant. It was supposed to be supper here but there was just no way that was possible. They teased me royally for such exquisite service and ambiance - YEAH RIGHT!!! We somehow got around to chatting about computers and I mentioned that my new printer just won't align or print properly and Mary Grace asked if she could come over tonight and check it out. The HP technical support did try to help me out but finally said it had to be sent back to them for repair/replacement - where??? - I said I'd buy another cartridge first which probably would be cheaper. WELL Mary Grace went through various Printer Service Options and cleaned and aligned the machine and then tried to reprint the same page I had done. ZIPPO same thing but at least the black is printing better now and both Mary Grace and Amy Jean deduced that the tri-colour cartridge did not have any cyan in it. So I'll pick up a colour one next week and give it a try. Hope that's it as I really do not want to send it anywhere and Staples won't take it back either.

SO them girls had all come back to my messy place (Mary Grace was their ride home), saw my show and tell that I didn't haul with me and all want to come back in November for dinner to a totally different place!!! PHEW wonder if that will be possible? Will try!!!

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