OH MY, OH MY, it's been a while since I've had an orchid in bloom, especially a phaleonopsis!!! And talk about perfect timing to perk up this silly blue person!
This is one of the old faithfuls and I was debating if it ever was going to bloom again or should I give up on it! Well guess it proved me wrong! Now hopefully I'll see the blooms too! Yes, I'll keep you posted on the spikes progress and when it finally blooms I'll naturally post the pic too!
Dtps. Memoria James McPherson
Canyon Mist X Alice Loeb
Well I've finally gotten another postcard swap mailed (a few days late - sorry no pic as yet) and ideas clammering for another two swaps so guess I better get a move on and get them started so I can work on my long awaited for Chain of Hearts in the new year, especially when I just purchased a nice colour selection of EdMar rayon threads at 30% off. I've also a friend's crazy patch 12.5" block to finish embellishing hopefully for Christmas - guess I better get moving on that one! Apparently mine is coming along very well and should be posted soon - YIKES!!!
Oh and my Hardanger Christmas ornaments are coming along very nicely and tonight I think I learn a few more new stitches and some finishing too. Also my Hardanger Angel problem has been solved and it looks not bad since we changed the stitches and dropped the picots!!! Gosh they gave my grief and I hear others too, so now I don't feel too badly! Yep will post pics once completed.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Been Busy
Well I'm not sure if it's the after effects of my recent fall or if I'm coming down with a bug but I've been definitely not myself this last couple of days.
Wednesday, Nov. 22nd
See we were commandeered into having an OFFICE cleanup day today! Our Managers are going to do Shauna and I in soon! Then Sharon said while we are cleaning up how about if we help you put up Christmas decorations - I said Yeah thanks, so we did that too - looks lovely! Gosh it does look cleaner but my desk is still a bit messy so gotta get to work on it more never mind everything else. Oh and while I was out for 20 minutes!!! They took away my mail cabinet with the mail buckets - had to send them off to get the stuff back! Then they wanted to take my locker away too, had to put my foot down - guess gotta nail things to the walls and floors!!!! Then while cleaning off from the tops of the storage units, I backed off the step stool and stepped onto some piled up cardboard on edge and slipped backwards into the desk drawers. Yep my bad shoulder and looks like I skinned it (it's burning and hurts like heck) when sliding down plus my butt when I landed. And I had to work that night too!!! I swear I'll do myself in before my retirement!!
My part time job evening was work work work as stock came in this morning and lots of Christmas stuff. So I literally spent 4.5 hours pricing gift bags and putting them out. At least the time went by fast and I wasn't thinking about my sore side! LOL! Then I was called in to help out Thursday night too but had to run some errands after supper first.
Saturday, Nov. 25th
I worked the afternoon again, rushed through hectic traffic and packed my stitching bag. Well about halfway to the needleshop I just about turned around and went back home. I'm just not feeling great, ache all over and not sure if it's from the fall or if I caught a bug. I'm even in long sleeves today and even my runners which usually I can't stand keeping them on inside. Hmmmm and I work tomorrow too. But I perservered and arrived for another PJ party at Mrs. Twitchett's Eye (needlework) tonight. We got fed ham and meatball and salads dinner with awesome desserts, Flosso Bingo and stitching and even got to pick up some purchases (30% off on EdMar threads for my Chain of Hearts) later on in the evening. And got home about midnight!
It was an enjoyabe evening and I'm glad I went. Well Katherine, one of my fellow classmates in Hardanger helped me over my problem with my angel pattern but we changed the stitches instead of doing those dratted picots!!! Apparently not too many stitchers like doing them. Fine with me! My angel ornament was not finished for the ornament exchange but she will get hung up this year. So lots of fun but I think I can say I was not really myself and Linda kept asking how I was doing! Poor girl I think I kinda spooked her! LOL!
Wednesday, Nov. 22nd
See we were commandeered into having an OFFICE cleanup day today! Our Managers are going to do Shauna and I in soon! Then Sharon said while we are cleaning up how about if we help you put up Christmas decorations - I said Yeah thanks, so we did that too - looks lovely! Gosh it does look cleaner but my desk is still a bit messy so gotta get to work on it more never mind everything else. Oh and while I was out for 20 minutes!!! They took away my mail cabinet with the mail buckets - had to send them off to get the stuff back! Then they wanted to take my locker away too, had to put my foot down - guess gotta nail things to the walls and floors!!!!
My part time job evening was work work work as stock came in this morning and lots of Christmas stuff. So I literally spent 4.5 hours pricing gift bags and putting them out. At least the time went by fast and I wasn't thinking about my sore side! LOL! Then I was called in to help out Thursday night too but had to run some errands after supper first.
Saturday, Nov. 25th
I worked the afternoon again, rushed through hectic traffic and packed my stitching bag. Well about halfway to the needleshop I just about turned around and went back home. I'm just not feeling great, ache all over and not sure if it's from the fall or if I caught a bug. I'm even in long sleeves today and even my runners which usually I can't stand keeping them on inside. Hmmmm and I work tomorrow too. But I perservered and arrived for another PJ party at Mrs. Twitchett's Eye (needlework) tonight. We got fed ham and meatball and salads dinner with awesome desserts, Flosso Bingo and stitching and even got to pick up some purchases (30% off on EdMar threads for my Chain of Hearts) later on in the evening. And got home about midnight!
It was an enjoyabe evening and I'm glad I went. Well Katherine, one of my fellow classmates in Hardanger helped me over my problem with my angel pattern but we changed the stitches instead of doing those dratted picots!!! Apparently not too many stitchers like doing them. Fine with me! My angel ornament was not finished for the ornament exchange but she will get hung up this year. So lots of fun but I think I can say I was not really myself and Linda kept asking how I was doing! Poor girl I think I kinda spooked her! LOL!
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm Back!
Did ya miss me? Yeah right!
Anyways the weather cooperated and I hitched a ride with my sister and BIL to Dauphin for the weekend. We had a small impromptu supper Kentucky Fried Chicken (his favourite) with Black Forrest Cake with Dad on his 93rd birthday and a few siblings and a couple of grandkids. Dad was surprised that we'd made it home for the weekend and had an enjoyable evening.
Then the next day Sylvia and I tidied up his place, did his shopping and invited nearby siblings and spouces for supper Saturday evening (all came except for Marg who called but could not make it as she was just released from hospital - diabetic stabilizing). So we cooked up Dad's frozen half turkey, a beef roast and some meatballs, along with mashed potatoes and gravy, salad, coleslaw, bean salad and mixed veggies. We had Florence's home made angel food cake and strawberries in sauce topping and peanut butter squares for dessert. Yummie. He was totally surprised that just about all his kids/spouces arrived, even my brother came!
We visited Sunday and left very early Monday morning back to Winnipeg and I was chauffeur for the afternoon for Sylvia and Len before heading to their daughter's for supper and overnight. Then tomorrow they'll leave for NW Ontario and stay home for a while, especially if the snow or freezing rains hit! They too hate travelling in bad weather.
In between the visiting and on some of the 4 hr drive I even worked on my Hardanger class projects and my crocheted tops for the kitchen hand towels.
Anyways the weather cooperated and I hitched a ride with my sister and BIL to Dauphin for the weekend. We had a small impromptu supper Kentucky Fried Chicken (his favourite) with Black Forrest Cake with Dad on his 93rd birthday and a few siblings and a couple of grandkids. Dad was surprised that we'd made it home for the weekend and had an enjoyable evening.
Then the next day Sylvia and I tidied up his place, did his shopping and invited nearby siblings and spouces for supper Saturday evening (all came except for Marg who called but could not make it as she was just released from hospital - diabetic stabilizing). So we cooked up Dad's frozen half turkey, a beef roast and some meatballs, along with mashed potatoes and gravy, salad, coleslaw, bean salad and mixed veggies. We had Florence's home made angel food cake and strawberries in sauce topping and peanut butter squares for dessert. Yummie. He was totally surprised that just about all his kids/spouces arrived, even my brother came!
We visited Sunday and left very early Monday morning back to Winnipeg and I was chauffeur for the afternoon for Sylvia and Len before heading to their daughter's for supper and overnight. Then tomorrow they'll leave for NW Ontario and stay home for a while, especially if the snow or freezing rains hit! They too hate travelling in bad weather.
In between the visiting and on some of the 4 hr drive I even worked on my Hardanger class projects and my crocheted tops for the kitchen hand towels.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
RAB's WISPs Listing for 2007
Sheesh Sandie what have you started!
I have 38 WISPs (that I could find that is) in various stages of preparation that I truly would like some day to see completed. Now this isn't the whole list by any means but those I'd like to concentrate on for completion in 2007 (there are some patterns I've bought or been given that are just that as yet but I would like to move on some of them too - another list maybe - Dream Projects?). So here goes for starters:
1. Rosebud blocks for guild's ABC quilt project (have 4 of the 7 half done)
2. CQd 12.5 inch block for Jeni (started on embellishing) (private exchange long overdue)
5. Under Stars Galore - 2005 WR Mystery Quilt - top completed, need to by backing and then my sister can quilt it for me (batting purchased, binding already cut too)
6. 2006 WR Mystery Quilt wallhanging projcet - top completed, needs to be assembled
7. Colourwash Applique Quilt - try to complete the assembly and stitching of colourwash blocks
8. Birthday Block Sampler Quilt - blocks are completed from a blockswap - needs sashing, borders and assembling
9. Fall Round Robin wallhaning - top is completed, needs assembly
10. Let it Snow Round Robin wallhanging - top is completed, needs assembly
11. Texas scenic wallhanging - needs appliqued pieces stitched on and then assembly
12. Necktie School Tote - whole new project to be completed by June 2007 from CraftBits
I have 38 WISPs (that I could find that is) in various stages of preparation that I truly would like some day to see completed. Now this isn't the whole list by any means but those I'd like to concentrate on for completion in 2007 (there are some patterns I've bought or been given that are just that as yet but I would like to move on some of them too - another list maybe - Dream Projects?). So here goes for starters:
1. Rosebud blocks for guild's ABC quilt project (have 4 of the 7 half done)
2. CQd 12.5 inch block for Jeni (started on embellishing) (private exchange long overdue)
3. Moondance quilt - work on completing the remaining pieced blocks at the February retreat
4. CQd oval block for shadow box from CQ Round Robin (completed just needs assembly)5. Under Stars Galore - 2005 WR Mystery Quilt - top completed, need to by backing and then my sister can quilt it for me (batting purchased, binding already cut too)
6. 2006 WR Mystery Quilt wallhanging projcet - top completed, needs to be assembled
7. Colourwash Applique Quilt - try to complete the assembly and stitching of colourwash blocks
8. Birthday Block Sampler Quilt - blocks are completed from a blockswap - needs sashing, borders and assembling
9. Fall Round Robin wallhaning - top is completed, needs assembly
10. Let it Snow Round Robin wallhanging - top is completed, needs assembly
11. Texas scenic wallhanging - needs appliqued pieces stitched on and then assembly
12. Necktie School Tote - whole new project to be completed by June 2007 from CraftBits
Monday, November 13, 2006
Yep, still up at 1:30 am
It started out weird today! I woke with a head that felt like a 10 gallon pail, a fat tongue, and to boot felt like someone hit me across the nose with a bat! Sheesh it was so warm in the apartment that I even opened the windows and that did not help. Now it wasn't a hot flash even though I thought that at first too, but instead heat was just pouring out of the registers - YIKES!!! - and my thermostat was like right down. On my way out to work I ran into the caretaker and asked what's with the heat and she said the air compressor on the boiler is busted and the repair guy was heading up to fix it pronto like! When I came home after supper from work it was much cooler in here so guess things are back to normal.
During the evening I completed my hardanger Christmas ornaments class homework, now I'm all set for Tuesday and the next step. And then I started on an angel hardanger ornament from the Kreinik site (lots of freebies of all crafts) and so far so good. Yep, you guessed it, I can't stop and get to bed, probably as soon as I hit a stitch I can't figure out. I sure hope this turns out as I would like to have it for an ornament exchange soon.
Okay a quick check on my emails and back to stitching or bed, not sure which will win out!
Boy did I ever have quite the commotion just after 1:00 am and if anyone was in the hallway they probably are wondering what the heck set her off!!! See I received an email with some pics of a present for Linda M from her friend Joy (yep another of her bears) and was so surprised I laughed out loud for a few minutes (setting my poor head a knocking) and bringing tears to my eyes. The details are so amazing I just don't know how you do it Joy. And I mentioned to Linda that I'd love her to wait till I was back from my family Christmas before she opens it so I could be there to see her expression when she sees it. Personally I doubt she'll oblige me (and that's putting it nicely)! Oh well her hubby will take pics and they will probably be posted shortly after opening!
During the evening I completed my hardanger Christmas ornaments class homework, now I'm all set for Tuesday and the next step. And then I started on an angel hardanger ornament from the Kreinik site (lots of freebies of all crafts) and so far so good. Yep, you guessed it, I can't stop and get to bed, probably as soon as I hit a stitch I can't figure out. I sure hope this turns out as I would like to have it for an ornament exchange soon.
Okay a quick check on my emails and back to stitching or bed, not sure which will win out!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Stitching with Friends
There were four of us from Ravenesque satellite group at Dianne's for some stitching and gabbing and laughs! There was Pat making some unusually attractive business cards, Linda working on Christmas presents, myself working on Hardanger class homework and Dianne creating one of her materpieces again! Her DH went out on an errand to get away from us all me thinks! LOL! Linda had brought a pan of her lasagna and I brought orange almond salad (minus the almonds) along with strawberries for dessert. Pat was going to pick something up on her way out but couldn't cause it was all closed am - next time she said! It was scrumptious.
Afterwards I visited my friend Linda and while I continued stitching on my ornaments, I walked Linda through the steps for the Snippets postcards and I think she enjoyed herself immensely.
BTW I've only one more Christmas ornament to complete the first week's Hardanger class homework and then I'm ready for the next step come Tuesday! Here is Frosty Heart, one of the ornaments we're working on. If you'd care for mor information on these patterns please contact Mrs. Twitchett's Eye. These will be finished off with more stitches, metallics and crystals.
(Sorry, picture removed to protect designer's copyright. You'll have to wait for all the ornaments to be completed and a group picture taken then.)
Afterwards I visited my friend Linda and while I continued stitching on my ornaments, I walked Linda through the steps for the Snippets postcards and I think she enjoyed herself immensely.
BTW I've only one more Christmas ornament to complete the first week's Hardanger class homework and then I'm ready for the next step come Tuesday! Here is Frosty Heart, one of the ornaments we're working on. If you'd care for mor information on these patterns please contact Mrs. Twitchett's Eye. These will be finished off with more stitches, metallics and crystals.
(Sorry, picture removed to protect designer's copyright. You'll have to wait for all the ornaments to be completed and a group picture taken then.)
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Stained Glass Angel pictures
Okay, I've been convinced to at least put this on my BLOG!
Now it will be onto the next couple of sets I have to stitch up and send out. I've already got the ideas drafted out on paper, just need to trace onto the Dr. examination bench paper (which works like a charm for this and more durable than tissue or tracing paper) and off I go with paper piecing them up. A couple of friends even gave me ideas to change them slightly and so I've incorporated this already and found some lovely angel, heart and star charms to add for accent on some. WOW! Now I need some free time again to play!

Now it will be onto the next couple of sets I have to stitch up and send out. I've already got the ideas drafted out on paper, just need to trace onto the Dr. examination bench paper (which works like a charm for this and more durable than tissue or tracing paper) and off I go with paper piecing them up. A couple of friends even gave me ideas to change them slightly and so I've incorporated this already and found some lovely angel, heart and star charms to add for accent on some. WOW! Now I need some free time again to play!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
What a LOVELY evening!
Well after the awful start with a pounding headache along with some smell that sent my allergies for a spin I was feeling kinda reluctant to go to a stitching evening after work too. Yes I'd taken a couple of meds but it was not clearing and then the floor below started reconstruction on their offices alongwith their washroom being demolished at the same time - needless to say I was not the only one with a headache!!!!
OHHHH but we have both mens and ladies facilities on our floor opened up as of today! HOOORRRAAAAYYY for something good at work! Yes, I still spent the day crunching numbers and preparing letters and memos to go out for my Yearbook data! Okay enough of this onto the good stuff!
I prepared for my second set of classes in Hardanger starting tonight - this time for Christmas ornaments with metallics and crystals - WOW! - they are lovely. I saw some of the ornaments on display (designed by Carolyn Mitchell of Mrs. Twitchett's Eye) and there are a couple more she's still drafting up for this class. Well I was a might apprehensive with this headache but I can tell you after a very slow and scary start back into the stitching, I just about finished the homework on two ornaments in class and the last half hour I even participated in the conversations - guess I was relaxing by then - LOL! As soon as I have the homework finished on the ornaments we have supplies for I'll post a pic and then also the progress after each week (5 in total). I'm still debating what colour of metallics and crystals I'll choose with my offwhite canvas and white perle cotton - my tendancy is to lean to the dark green but they all are lovely!
Gosh I can't believe it but it's been just about a whole year since my first initiation class into Hardanger embroidery (placemat needs washing and finishing then a pic) and I did one little heart pincushion in between as a gift and nothing since! I was totally lost starting out tonight but my stitching neighbour was so helpful and even gave me a very easy tip for checking on alignment, I could have hugged her. So simple you needlework ladies will probably say DUH! but heck I did not know such. See you bring your needle up to the top and lay the thread across to the other side in the row of canvas and see if it lines up with the stitches on the other side - eliminates counting, missing stitches and/or crosseyed and having to start again!!! LOL!
So as soon as I finish checking emails I'm going to finish off the last few stitches and get the third canvas ready for tomorrow.
OHHHH but we have both mens and ladies facilities on our floor opened up as of today! HOOORRRAAAAYYY for something good at work! Yes, I still spent the day crunching numbers and preparing letters and memos to go out for my Yearbook data! Okay enough of this onto the good stuff!
I prepared for my second set of classes in Hardanger starting tonight - this time for Christmas ornaments with metallics and crystals - WOW! - they are lovely. I saw some of the ornaments on display (designed by Carolyn Mitchell of Mrs. Twitchett's Eye) and there are a couple more she's still drafting up for this class. Well I was a might apprehensive with this headache but I can tell you after a very slow and scary start back into the stitching, I just about finished the homework on two ornaments in class and the last half hour I even participated in the conversations - guess I was relaxing by then - LOL! As soon as I have the homework finished on the ornaments we have supplies for I'll post a pic and then also the progress after each week (5 in total). I'm still debating what colour of metallics and crystals I'll choose with my offwhite canvas and white perle cotton - my tendancy is to lean to the dark green but they all are lovely!
Gosh I can't believe it but it's been just about a whole year since my first initiation class into Hardanger embroidery (placemat needs washing and finishing then a pic) and I did one little heart pincushion in between as a gift and nothing since! I was totally lost starting out tonight but my stitching neighbour was so helpful and even gave me a very easy tip for checking on alignment, I could have hugged her. So simple you needlework ladies will probably say DUH! but heck I did not know such. See you bring your needle up to the top and lay the thread across to the other side in the row of canvas and see if it lines up with the stitches on the other side - eliminates counting, missing stitches and/or crosseyed and having to start again!!! LOL!
So as soon as I finish checking emails I'm going to finish off the last few stitches and get the third canvas ready for tomorrow.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Another good day!
9:30 pm update
Well it was an early night for me in regards to house sitting, as after I picked up Byran from his football pool party windup at 7:00 pm - he looked totally exhausted - along with his trophy and photos package we went back to their house. I had to bribe him to have a shower with "more" TV time before bed and while he was taking it Mom and Dad arrived! Good thing Byran was occupied as Belle then got undivided attention and cookies - poor thing as if she didn't get any all weekend!!!! Talk about one very happy boy to see Dad coming around the door to his room! So I was home by 8:00 and able to catch up on my emails etc.
And Byran is game for another outing to Fort Whyte whenever I have an afternoon free! He sure loves walking around that place and it's only a nature park and the animals skedaddle fast not like at the zoo. But heck we did see two handsome bucks and probably 7 foes and 4 youngsters along with many geese and a woodpecker too! He wished I had my camera so I promised next time for sure. LOL!
1:39 pm original post
WOW, I can't believe it Amanda stayed home (in her room but that's okay) and Byran and Belle both behaved and I got a good night's sleep! YAHOOIE!
And now lunch (joint effort with Amanda before she headed to work), pots and pans done - rest in dishwasher, towels and sheets in the wash and Byran out walking Belle for some exercise. YEP I'm off duty for a half hour or so!
I've been stitching up some quilt blocks to add to a couple of donationa quilts that my sister will be quilting up from the both of us. Guess I should put together the labels soon too. Sheesh it's been busy at least in one of my Yahoo groups but most are just about lifeless! Wonder what gives?
Well it was an early night for me in regards to house sitting, as after I picked up Byran from his football pool party windup at 7:00 pm - he looked totally exhausted - along with his trophy and photos package we went back to their house. I had to bribe him to have a shower with "more" TV time before bed and while he was taking it Mom and Dad arrived! Good thing Byran was occupied as Belle then got undivided attention and cookies - poor thing as if she didn't get any all weekend!!!! Talk about one very happy boy to see Dad coming around the door to his room!
And Byran is game for another outing to Fort Whyte whenever I have an afternoon free! He sure loves walking around that place and it's only a nature park and the animals skedaddle fast not like at the zoo. But heck we did see two handsome bucks and probably 7 foes and 4 youngsters along with many geese and a woodpecker too! He wished I had my camera so I promised next time for sure. LOL!
1:39 pm original post
WOW, I can't believe it Amanda stayed home (in her room but that's okay) and Byran and Belle both behaved and I got a good night's sleep! YAHOOIE!
And now lunch (joint effort with Amanda before she headed to work), pots and pans done - rest in dishwasher, towels and sheets in the wash and Byran out walking Belle for some exercise. YEP I'm off duty for a half hour or so
I've been stitching up some quilt blocks to add to a couple of donationa quilts that my sister will be quilting up from the both of us. Guess I should put together the labels soon too. Sheesh it's been busy at least in one of my Yahoo groups but most are just about lifeless! Wonder what gives?
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Well I'm shaking my head wondering why oh why I set myself up for these house sitting escapes? They all start out okay but something inevitably happens and usually to me - sheesh!
Well this time the 21 yr old had "friends" over before going out - I bit my tongue on the noise level from the basement, then she came home with a friend around 3:00 and they chatted some and kept me awake a bit. Then got woken up three times with the DOG trying to get away with sleeping in Byran's bed so I had to get up and chase her onto her own bed. She even has a blanket to cover up with but guess not the same as the heated water bed! Well the third time I got fed up and gave her a swat on her rump and yep, guess I connected wrong and burst or bruised a blood vessel in my thumb so it's tender and a bit swollen - GRRRR! Then all quiet again and I get woken up by Byran at 7:30 wanting to go down to play video games - NO!!!! Well then I hear someone coming up the stairs and out the door - guess Amanda's friend - SHEESH! How my niece puts up with this I don't know! I need sleep!!!!
Thank goodness I booked off my part time job for the weekend or I'd really be !@#$%!!!!
Well this time the 21 yr old had "friends" over before going out - I bit my tongue on the noise level from the basement, then she came home with a friend around 3:00 and they chatted some and kept me awake a bit. Then got woken up three times with the DOG trying to get away with sleeping in Byran's bed so I had to get up and chase her onto her own bed. She even has a blanket to cover up with but guess not the same as the heated water bed! Well the third time I got fed up and gave her a swat on her rump and yep, guess I connected wrong and burst or bruised a blood vessel in my thumb so it's tender and a bit swollen - GRRRR! Then all quiet again and I get woken up by Byran at 7:30 wanting to go down to play video games - NO!!!! Well then I hear someone coming up the stairs and out the door - guess Amanda's friend - SHEESH! How my niece puts up with this I don't know! I need sleep!!!!
Thank goodness I booked off my part time job for the weekend or I'd really be !@#$%!!!!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Are You Up For A Challenge?
Anyone up for a challenge?
I decided to take up Sandie's offer of a challenge, you can read about it here upon her blog. The first 5 people to respond to this challenge, via comments will each get a crazy patched postcard or a crocheted angel ornament - your choice.
The catch is, you must also offer on your blog the same sort of offer. This is not an exchange where you send back to me, it's called 'paying it forward' to others who read your blog.
I've decided to offer a crazy patched and embellished postcard or a crocheted angel ornament - your choice. It may take some time to complete five of these babies, but you WILL receive it. Hmmm, I wonder who will bite first?
Why Oh Why!
Do I do this to myself???? Yep I joined up with another "smaller" postcard group and was going to lurk - well that lasted I'd say a day until my friend Linda M (co-owner of Postcard Cottage) uploaded a swap topic I could not resist.
OMGG Linda what have you done to me this time!!!! Here instead of going to Sears and Michaels for things or sewing my Christmas pressies I started, there I spent a good hour and a half and drafted up "three" not just one of my ideas for my new postcards! SHEESH! AND I really like two of these ideas so which to choose as I'm (and that's just me!) very adamant on keeping all the same for everyone in the swap. Okay, I'll check my emails, post this message and then head out the door as I really need boots for all this snow and cold. If you want to see the snow that fell this week check out Linda M's message and pics.
OMGG Linda what have you done to me this time!!!! Here instead of going to Sears and Michaels for things or sewing my Christmas pressies I started, there I spent a good hour and a half and drafted up "three" not just one of my ideas for my new postcards! SHEESH! AND I really like two of these ideas so which to choose as I'm (and that's just me!) very adamant on keeping all the same for everyone in the swap. Okay, I'll check my emails, post this message and then head out the door as I really need boots for all this snow and cold. If you want to see the snow that fell this week check out Linda M's message and pics.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Heavenly Beauties
Sorry, that I've no pics as yet to show you how heavenly I think my stained glass angels postcards really are. That will come soon I promise.
Well all I had to do was sandwich the pieces then satin stitch around the outer edges but I had a slight delimma. See I really did not want to use the fancy rayon thread around the outer edges so was debating on whether to use the blue that matched the background, a darker blue or just white to pick up the angel pieces. Well I decided to experiment with my "keepsake" postcard and used the white on the top and the cream to match the backsides - I liked the effect - so I've now completed all the stitching and just have to bury my thread ends and they are READY FOR MAILING!!! WOW like two weeks plus early!!! That definitely is a first for Rose Anne! LOL!
Well all I had to do was sandwich the pieces then satin stitch around the outer edges but I had a slight delimma. See I really did not want to use the fancy rayon thread around the outer edges so was debating on whether to use the blue that matched the background, a darker blue or just white to pick up the angel pieces. Well I decided to experiment with my "keepsake" postcard and used the white on the top and the cream to match the backsides - I liked the effect - so I've now completed all the stitching and just have to bury my thread ends and they are READY FOR MAILING!!! WOW like two weeks plus early!!! That definitely is a first for Rose Anne! LOL!
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