Thursday, February 04, 2021

Reorganizing - Feb 4th

Feb 3rd

I gotta try this on mine!

Go for it!!!!

Winnipeg Man Snowmobiling

Feb 4th

Well yesterday I didn't do much but today I tackled more taking breaks too! So where the brown desk was the freezer now sits. The glass desk is temporarily mid wall untill I cleared off ornaments and moved the far corner bakers rack into the dining room. Then moved the blockage of boxes (some I've emptied, others soon) and moved the desk into the far corner. It's still disorganized but I'm amazed how much floor space has opened up. I'm too tired to tackle anything more. But I've a wagon full to go to the thrift store, lots to garbage and recycle depot. One day I'll maybe be open to visitors IF this covid takes a hike!

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