Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Feeling Drained!!!

And thankful for a very good Samaritan who two blocks ahead of me stopped the dang runaway Katsu AND ON GRANT AVE HEADING TO BUSY WAVERLEY!!!!  Yep I had stooped over to clean his paws of snow/ice and should have remembered how he takes off and had a firmer grip on the handle of his leash.  No I held it loosely along with poop bag and my mitt when he took off full speed ahead.  He ran two full blocks without slowing down and my heart dang near tripped me up from the horror of the situation.  We were just 3 blocks from the corner of Waverley and Grant  and even me stopping and calling to come this way just slowed him down to look at me before charging ahead again.   When she blocked the street (she's scared of dogs too) Katsu just stopped and growled at her but I finally ran up and stepped on the leash while thanking her profusely!!!  I grabbed that handle with full force gave him a brief scolding before leaning against the high fence to keep me from collapsing.  Well at least I know I can run full out with my knee brace on.   I kept a short leash on him till we were on the back lane home.   Dang an hour later my legs are still shaking.  Oh and that was on sidewalks with 4-6 inches fresh snow too!  Boy was I ever glad that snowblower was working as I know I could not have shoveled this too especially as its trying to snow again!!!  Yes I'm glad Joan Lien and Harold are on their way home today - not sure what this guy has up his leg to test me again!!!!

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