Monday, January 30, 2017

Feeling Concerned!

Lately I've been very light headed to the point that upon waking I sit on the side of the bed to let my head adjust before slowly walking.  The past month I've had occasional relapses midafternoons then it goes away.  Well since the fall and being diagnosed prediabetic, I've been checking my blood pressure and it's dropped to normal levels from constant highs so my Dr reduced my water pill and said probably at my mid-February appointment he'll probably remove that and also adjust my BP meds too.

We'll this past month my BP readings are lower yet with mornings around mid90s/mid60s and friends are so concerned that I called Health Links yesterday - after gathering info the nurse said it was not emergency need but to contact my Dr ASAP for a sooner appointment than the 16th scheduled. So the soonest I can get is the 6th and on the list for a cancellation call in.  I'm sure my meds need adjusting with my continued walking and diet changes and slowly reducing weight.  It's all good overall!!!  ❤


Laurie said...

I'll keep you in my prayers Rose Anne, I know how concerning blood pressure issues can be. I hope they have a cancellation for you. Take care.

Marilee Rockley said...

Hope you'll be feeling better very soon!