Sunday, December 02, 2007


Ohhhh I've had a good day today and finished cutting most of my pieces for Father Christmas out and washed and hung to dry. I also used my hair blowdryer and heated up the screw top of the water bottle and bent it to fit into the porcelain head, now will see if it opens up once cooled or stays. I also search through some of my craft stuff and found a star, a drum, a gift wrapped, pointsettia and holly with berries along with a cinnamon stick for his walking stick and I just found a Cardinal with wings outstretched also.

WOW I'm so close to being finished, it feels so good after seven weeks of steady stitching in between "life" trying to keep up with this project. I've completed the stitching on one half of the sack so tonight I'll see if can finish off the other side - I know only do one side - but what if when stuffed and topped with goodies it does not sit that way and both sides show up???? Nah I'll feel better if both sides are embellished. That I can finish off myself if it's not quite completed in time.

Then I made supper and thoroughly enjoyed feasting too! Now I'll go read a bit and relax before getting back to my stitching. Then I'll have to stop to press my dried pieces and do some preliminary sewing needed and then the evening to either relax or stitch some more. PHEW so close and such satisfaction that I'm caught up.

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