Sunday, December 25, 2016

My Day!

I'm having a darn good workout daily walking Katsu 3 times a day and the two walks today I've not only worn off yesterday's meal but started on today's supper too come!!!!  Yesterday I made a double batch of Nalysnyky to take some to Barb's with veggie & cranberry stuffing & cranberry sauce to have supper with her family.  The other part I'm taking over to Pat's for supper tonight.  This place smelled good and drove Katsu crazy.  ðŸ˜Š

Not sure if he senses snow is coming but he's in one heck of a frisky playful mood!!!  We walked longer even with the crispness but also he was jumping over the plow rows and sinking into the snow and once he came up with some bread - sheesh try getting that away from him!!!  Then when finally I guided him home he refused to leave the sidewalk but pulled me onwards half a block before he turned around.  Once in the yard and off the leash he bounded into the back yard to gather twigs and play chase - nope I'm too tired.  He stayed out another 15 minutes before shaking his paw and heading to the door.   I'm shaking my head at his antics!!!!  Now 15 minutes inside he's out cold on his blanket!  Wonder if he'll notice me leaving?

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