Saturday, September 21, 2024

Quiet Family Time

Aug 28th

A quiet day, helping Sylvia and off to visit my friends!  

Sylvia needed help stretching her newest fabric art wall hanging and even got my finger pinched in the knot too! And also her finished shopping tote she started at Cliff Lake.

Ahhhh these two had a grooming and looking so cute for me!!!

Aug 29th

Ooooohhhhh I needed this family relaxing day. Thank you Debbie for contacting me and asking that Sylvia and I come visit Marlene with you both!

So it started off with these awesome plants at Sylvia's, puzzle setting and Quirkle with them too while chatting! Just about finished it too!

Then back here with my friends! Guess the crisp fresh air or posing tuckered them out?

Aug 30th

Yeah the Shaw Tech who came first on Saturday, with the no record box, arrived today and installed the new 6 show record box in 15 minutes! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! I've finally got TV!!!

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