Saturday, September 21, 2024

Cliff Lake 2024

Aug 10th

Well FINALLY, as Dad always said, we've gone for a RIDA!!!

Yes and all the way to Cliff Lake, Perrault Falls and for a week quilting retreat with Edna, Sylvia and Pat! We even had lunch with Adeline and passed on some orphan blocks for her charity quilts! Now we're vegging out, I'm bushed, not sure I'll stay up till 10 at least! It's sure nice and cool though!!!

Aug 12th

Another awesome day in PARADISE!!! But Pat has been laughing at me and my "braces" - my magnifiers to help with closeup work. Edna's machine won't work so she's inside using my sewing machine alongwish Sylvia. Yesterday Pat made Cabbage Patch overalls and today stitching scrappy hexies.

WOW!!! I made that easy taco salad with seasoned chicken and trimmings again. We've left over taco chips and salsa for snack whenever! Yummy! Now relaxing feet up while the girls cleaned up serving dishes - using paper plates!!! That was so delicious!!!

Well another beautiful day again!  And here's the pictures.

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