Saturday, September 21, 2024

Catchup - Sep 16th-17th

Sept 16th

Hey, I forgot to post the ACQ Sept 7th sewing day results. Lately I've been playing with my 9" square I Spy blocks for MPQ ABC quilts. That day I sewed up 17 blocks. Today while at Edna's I sewed up another 12 blocks and forgot all about the leftover 9 sets pinned ready to sew from ACQ sewing day! AND wonder how many more blocks from the tray I've yet to sort out???

Edna finished off her last year's, I think it's called twisted ribbons, just in time to maybe quilt it at the retreat this year. It was a pattern that Adina had sewn up and passed onto Edna.

Walking to my car I noticed the Sturgeon Creek Portage Ave lights are out so guess that affected her Shaw TV and power flickered off a couple times while eating supper. Also look at the sky!!! 

Sept 17th

Here is Lori's write up on my 52 Scrappy Triangles quilt she custom quilted. It's naturey, simple and more me than the feathers I first thought of, so I'm pleased with her quilting. Thank you! This was also part of the $100 virtual retreat prize I won last year from MPQ to go towards any quilt shop or service!  

I just ❤️❤️❤️❤️ it and now to finalize my label and bind it! MY QUILT!!!!!

Rose Anne brought this lovely quilt in for some custom quilting. A few members of my local quilt guild got inspired to do some paper piecing and followed The Year of Scrappy Triangles blog post by Leila Gardunia. I saw some photos of this quilt as Rose Anne was working on it and had thought her chosen background was black, but it is actually a beautiful deep green! It is a lovely compliment to all the batiks she found in her stash.

Initially I thought feathers would be the perfect suggestion for the green strips, but I just could not get them flowing nicely to the inner green border. Everything I tried looked really awkward at some point. When I suggested the echo curve design for the outer border and the center strips, Rose Anne loved the idea and the rest of the design fell into place quickly after that.

The gold border received large curls, the inner green border an oak leaf and curl, and the paper pieced triangles received some branching curls. I always try to repeat motifs somewhere in the custom quilting so that the quilt feels cohesive at the end.

I used an olive green thread for everything but the oakleaf border. There I switched to more of a rusty gold thread to make it stand out a little bit more and add a bit of interest.

OMGG!!!!! Hope all are safe around there! 🙏

Today I started off lazily then kicked into motivation gear and successfully tatted and embroidered the rest of the evening! So I've some tatted butterflies and completed my PFA swap postcard top, now to work on the back and sandwich it together. 

Hopefully my newly serviced Janome will cooperate with the satin stitched edging! Jo do you recognize my source of inspiration for a couple of my seams? Yes I use it for some help! ❤️

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