Saturday, September 21, 2024

Catchup - Sept 3rd-14th

Sept 3rd

Ooooohhhhh not sure what the red sunrise means but it was lovely but too early for me to stick around!!!

Now outside to have breakfast but the clouds are moving in and the breeze picked up but its goingto be a hot one me thinks!

But WTF??? the confused geese are flying into the city from the south and I'm sure near a hundred or maybe more as there were FOUR huge flocks that flew over. I think to Fort Whyte? The dogs did not like all the honking!!!

Sept 4th

Hmmm you know what's coming sooner than later when breakfast on the deck is coolish!!!

These crazy kooks!!! Dahli started chasing Bubba around the yard really fast and he tried all kinds of evasion tactics to no avail. Both panting till Bubba jumped into the pool, naturally Princess wouldn't get wet so the chase seems to be forgotten? LOL!!!

Sept 11th

Awesome!!! My loveseat and folding table have been picked up and on their way to their new home! Then I called Leon's to arrange for delivery of my new recliner but not as lucky. The soonest delivery is September 19th or 20th - hmmm neither work for me. So it's Monday the 23rd. 🤔 I didn’t want to arrange anything till I definitely had the room for it. Maybe will give me time to purge more???

Sept 13th

Sept 14th

OMGG something musta perished in the wilds as I cooked supper! And a YUMMY one too! I steamed the last of Florence's green beans, her cherry tomatoes but not keen on these yellow ones and pan fried the salmon! Delicious!!! Finishing off with a fresh peach!

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