Saturday, September 21, 2024

Home - Shaw Issues

Aug 17th

Well back home finally! I'll probably need time to relax! Hopefully nothing necessary on my calendar this week or two! 

Aug 24th

What a cluster@#$% today ended in! I'm going to abbreviate the crappola or I'd run out of space.

- Wednesday noticed full screen Rogers notice too upgrade the PVR

- my mistake in not reading all but called first number, mega hold time

- spoke to someone who didn't have a clue, wanted message, so into recordings to read, I called the wrong number

- called the "included in your rent" number, mega hold time again

- cable service included in my rent

- same, no clue and even with my account up still not sure

- booked technician to come out and upgrade to new box as this one is obsolete Sept 6th

- Saturday tech came, I first asked how many shows it can record - NONE!!! - I said NOPE I'll stick with this one, no changes 

- he said he'll make note but I should call too

- so again mega wait, said I was stressed and will try to stay calm, only solution is to upgrade on my own to Ignite TV for $55+ more per month for two years - I said not acceptable 

- other option, see if Agency might upgrade all service to Ignite - doubt that

- then tried to relax but NO TV PERIOD!!!

- called again, slight hold, said I was very annoyed, mega chat time and fiddling on his end and some by me, ZIPPO

- sending another tech late Monday afternoon 

- needless to say I'm FIT TO BE FRIED!!!! Near tears and stressed to the hilt!!!

Aug 25th

SHAW update:

- horrible sleep, calmed down

- called back first number to do with upgrade

- was told even though I didn't accept the NO RECORD box my service was changed 'in their system' after the visit and without the new box NO TV

- so today this tech says he'll change my request scheduled for service tomorrow to install upgraded box that can record - he was checking which box it should be ????

- hopefully tomorrow this mess, both on them not explaining what 'upgrade' means and me not asking for more details before agreeing

Aug 26th

SHAW update

- I got home 2:45ish just in case

- appt between 4 and 7pm

- 6:50pm called Shaw to check if the tech was on the way - on hold then transfered on hold again

- finally 7:27 was told tech was here 5pm, no pre phone call like Sat and definitely didn't buzz my apartment code, checked and all was correct on the order

- tried to get someone to come tonight but no dice, Wednesday afternoon the soonest and I'm too busy next few days to wait for their possible show

- so not till Friday morning and was promised a credit for loss of service, mostly their fault for insufficient information and partially my initial wrong phone call, but dang it it's ONE account number!

- this better be it, not sure I can deal with more of this @#$%

One good thing is I'm going through things and doing some cleaning too! 😆

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