Thursday, July 07, 2022

Catchup - July 4th-7th

July 4th

Here's wishing a lovely July 4th to all my USA friends! 💞💞💞

So after posting my Prairie Crocus postcard I saw this across from Portage Place! Nature's awesome artwork beautifully and naturally painted on the building! I just ❤️❤️❤️ it! So much so, I ventured down the dreary back lane for another view!!! 

Portage Ave view.

🥰🥰🥰  Back lane view.

And because of this delay getting caught in the steady rain the last block!

Then once home I tried out the simple Sonja's Windows (designed by Candace Hassen) I found at OMA's last week. Awesome pattern to use up my various leftover cut strips! Next is a B&W and Red&Grey set?

1st assembly

2nd assembly 

3rd and favourite assembly 

Beautiful yard decor AND the scenic picture too!!!

WOW!!! I've completed another UFO from maybe 10 years ago! It was a gifted stitched top that I sandwiched and just quilted and bound it today! 14.5 x 20 inch wall hanging.

July 6th

Ohhhh I'm pooped and sore, that's for sure! Yesterday's attempt to piece some quilt backs was a pain so today I picked up a wide back to split between my two rail fence quilt tops, got it washed too! Then Sylvia mentioned her plans had changed for next week and if I wanted her help it had to be tomorrow or Friday, GULP!!!! So home I went and spent a few hours sorting, cutting and joining cut strips to similar leftover batts for three quilts and used a new batt for the other rail fence. Then all backs were cut too, so I'm ready for tomorrow's sandwiching of four quilts for MPQ ABC. Not sure when the quilting will be finished though!

July 7th

WOW!!!! Nifty yard decor and yet useful potting bench too!

Well that's finito!!!! Thank you Sylvia for your help sandwiching two twin, one large lap and one child sized quilts! There is no way I could do this myself! Smaller ones yes! So now lots of quilting designs to mark and then slowly quilt and bind them.

Ohhhhh it feels so good to relax on the massage/heat chair pad after two days of bending over cutting n pinning etc!
Remember Snuffles and his biscuits?

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