Monday, October 04, 2021

Catchup - Oct 2nd-4th

Oct 2nd

Sorry but had to add in the closeups!

My favourite!!!

Ohhhh they are giving me another evening to enjoy their beauty! And just think, maybe in a few years I'll get to see either Sylvia's or Pat/Randy's blooms too!!!

I can't resist, but tried artsy shot? Dang and pleasantly scented too!

Oct 3rd

Only a day or so and these will be gonners, their best has past already!

Yesterday's,  Good night!

Today's,  Good Morning!

Lovely outside tatting, but had to move into the shade as the sun was too hot! I had to give up the settee as they wanted to snooze in comfort! Another Candelight Snowflake by Sabina Carden-Madden.  

But my alarm just went off to get my laptop for the Jays baseball game, outside too!

She's getting heavy!!!

First was the Jays baseball game, too bad they lost the postseason, would have been nice to see them go further or all the way again!

I don't think I've ever watched sports online or on TV outside before! The scarey times are the geese flying over, hoping for good control!!!

Gonna have to think of making supper soon though! Enjoying a pre-dinner glass of wine! And the wilting has started, won't be long now!

Well this time I used the air fryer grill properly and enjoying my supper!

Oct 4th

WOW! I've talked about taking a road trip up there and now you're closing and moving! After fixing up that beautiful shop too!!!!

Good! Think of it as your Drivers License EXCEPT for the health of humanity!!!! I'm so dang fed up with naysayers!!!!!!

I just love autumn even when not as spectacular as it can be!

Well it was lunch with Sylvia, errands, car maintenance and a short walk with Edna kinda day! And boy was Dahli ever glad to get her "keep from escaping" collar off and both eager for their suppers too (I wasn't even late)!

Awesome flowers on the walk along with pumpkins and gourds decorating steps and the last few from Edna's yard.

So glad I got to enjoy the last of the blooming as they are for sure gonners now! 😢😥😪

It took days for the buds to grow to opening stage.  Thursday buds started opening and three days later, Sunday, flowers wilting!

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