Saturday, June 19, 2021

Catchup - June 15th-19th

June 15th

Here is the write up on storing peony buds and extending flowering times! 

June 16th

What a lovely start to my walk with Edna at 9:30am, while in the shade. Today we even had a brief across the street chat with Wendy. In the open areas it was getting very warm and both were very appreciative of the McDs iced coffee the last km! We totally enjoyed the homes that showcased peonies galore and a few had these HUGE orange poppies! On the way home past the same cemetery across Polo Park, we were shocked to see this tree, not sure the story behind it and why cut like this! I forgot to set my tracker but remembered to screenshot the history before the rest of my day continued!

June 17th

And still me now!!!! But what I'm finishing is awesome!!!

Someone else's input!

June 18th

This was my sister's wall hanging, Sylvia Stadnyk, from the guilds President’s Challenge - Celebrate Manitoba revealed last night. I watched this baby grow and am very impressed with her artistic talents! 

She said, "I have my memories of our travels from Ontario to Manitoba. I tried to show the different colours of flax, canola and wheat fields. Pastures, farm yard, gardens, hay bales, grain elevators and wind turbines."

I'm getting better at meeting Edna 9:30am for our walks this last week! It gets too warm too early! The wind today was something else though and a couple times so chilly I'm thinking we're in for SNOW!!! Nah it's too warm! 

Anyways today nature was in full bloom and stride for us to enjoy!

AWESOME!!!  Thank you Edna for seeing this beauty! 


So pretty even in pink!

Fragrant Russian Olive.

Even entertained by 2 fluttering Monarchs!
How appropriate to have one sit long enough for a picture! 

East side of Yellow Ribbon Trail!

June 19th

After my walk yesterday I finished more masks for myself, friends and family! Thank you Sylvia for the piece of poppy and bees fabrics!

WOW I 💖💖💖💖 peonies!!! 

Thank you Pat for my own! 💞💞💞

Finally I get to visit the pugs! Gosh have they both grown and I'm sure leaving blue/green bruises after climbing all over me. Some are tender already! Not sure my legs will work after this long nap! 

The table picture Taunya sent me the other day!

Left is Dahli, right is Bubba!

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