Saturday, June 19, 2021

Catchup - June 11th-14th

June 11th

I also slivered sections off and put into cheesecloth as mouse deterrent when we had a bad threat.

Yesterday was lovely outside BUT within 10 minutes I got bitten twice BUT killed that mosquito!!!! It didn't take long after the immediate scratch when the itchy welts emerged! Guess it's deet OFF season walking and carrying my Anti Itch cream. Sorry vinegar lasts briefly and stinks!!!

Carol suggested the Irish Spring!  I like your idea but my allergies don't care for that smell! Hmmmm might have to shave some off and try though as I totalky hate bug spray but a necessary evil for me if I want to walk or just sit outside!

Kathleen suggested I pick up a small spray bottle of colloidal silver and spray the bite. Takes the itch away.

Lise said Thermacell works well for me.

Well, I'm kinda leary about "health type remedies" after the last hike and the serious three week long repercussions of such!  It was horrible and even prescription antibiotics took ages to clear up my massive welts and itchiness along with Benedryl Allergy! My Dr really does not want me playing Russian Roulette with such in future!

Joyce suggested After Nite.  Yes I do and reapply about every 20 minutes or so till I finally give in and pop a Benedryl Allergy. 

Yowsers these wind gusts are sure trying to rearrange the huge tree branches. Not only left or right but also up and down! Hopefully none will snap and land on passers by nor vehicles.

I like this one! Hmmmm Adele, whatcha thunk?

June 12th

YAHOOOIEEE!!! Finally after a few weeks I met up with Edna for an early morning local walk and stop at McDs for an iced coffee on the way home! It was very windy, warm but no MOSQUITOES!!! 

Then picked up more MPQ library books for summer reading etc. Ended the afternoon dropping by Edna's and then Sylvia's and leaving them some reading material too!

Now home, wiped out, feet up and relaxing! Sheesh sinus issues again this week, sure zaps my energy! At least my Dentist and Dr are in agreement that it's unusual for recurrences every couple months and hopefully will be sent to a specialist to check further. Enough already!

June 13th

Colleen just told me a tip that I am going to try outside! Maybe I will be able to take myself to the park without OFF and stitch too! 

Pour Listerine into a small spray bottle and spritz around your chair on the ground! Hmm that I'm willing to try this! 

Fleecy sheets on myself just stuffed me up and not much of a deterrent to mosquitoes.

June 14th

Good morning! Hey I woke without sinus pressure and puffy eyes! Maybe it's passed on. If so it was a three day stretch, shortest ever! YEAH!!!! I might be able to concentrate better now!

OMGG!!! It's found!!! I honestly thought it was a gonner with the cuttings to the garbage! Nope just put where it wasn't supposed to be!!!

In case you're looking for it! The Wizz Ripper Gripper "bitty bits & pieces:  The Wizz Ripper Gripper"

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