Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Catchup - June 25th-30th

June 25th

Good morning! Dang I'm hooked with breakfast on the deck! Definitely an apartment with east facing balcony one day!!!! This is bliss!!! 

Now onto the second idea for the second set of blocks cut out at the same time, this one for the regular ABC program one day. 

I had brought tatting with loose beads to incorporate but found that is not a good idea around these two!

Crazy Dahli! She's contorting like crazy but can't catch her tail! So she's switched to nipping her own leg! Silly pup!

Shoot!!!! I totally forgot about this block that I had to add fabric to the center block to be 5.5". I wanted wine but couldn't find any quickly so used the white.

WOW!!! I think this is the first time outside prepping my quilt blocks with their first sets of borders. This way the pups are outside on this relatively cool summer day too!

OMGG I think I just felt what a baby's mighty kick felt like, but from the outside!!! Bubba was pressed snug next to me and gave a mighty and swift hind kick right into my right waistline! Took my breath away!!! Needless to say he moved away when I secured his foot before he could repeat!!! YOWSERS!!!!

June 26th

OMGG!!! This is hilarious! Reminds me of Katsu's antics! I love my visits!!! Oh see that TV, well I've knocked into it three times and finally have myself programmed to walk AROUND the island. Hope I've not done any damage to it, last time clunked me good!

I'm done! Now to get my passport (I've been the holdout this month now) in a couple weeks and Sylvia, Edna and I can venture out finally!!!!!

June 27th

OMGG!!! Kids having fun! Bubba gave up and searching for another toy! And naturally Dahli lost interest in the zebra! Onto the next one! Guess it'll be like human kids, I'll have to pick up all the toys before bed!

June 29th

Okay since my on point nature I Spy is too large for the Indigenous quilt requirements, I've made a second one that'll fit within 50" square with a border around. It's a good thing I cut out a second set of blocks for an ABC quilt too! The extra block will go on the back with the label on it. I still have to play with the placement of blocks, just wanted to see what it would look like. Then to sew the tops with borders, sandwich, quilt and bind them!

I just finished Colleen's masks and also rearranged the nature blocks. Still not happy with it! GRRRRRR!!!

June 30th

Ohhh Ohhhhh Ohhhhhhh!!! ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž 

It was just awesome to take both Sylvia and Edna on a bit of a shopping trip together, (after some requested info)! I even gave my car a Chamois Gold Service wash yesterday to preempt this - I was so very excited and anxious! Then to Boston Pizza patio for our first luncheon together in months, even if the sun/heat was cruel until an umbrella was brought to our table! Mid July we'll celebrate INSIDE, that's when I'll have my Covid passport! And more excursions too! Our COVID passports are entries to more freedoms!!!!! 

But dang it is hottttt! It's like 10 blocks to home but my hot fudge sundae was a total mess! Hot fudge a solid mass and ice cream liquified - not fun for my first sundae!

OOOOOHHHHHHH!!!! I wonder if I can order another same quilt ladder and hinge them myself???? Well maybe with Sylvia's help!!!

Well I could not resist an "I Love Canada" mask for myself and a couple replacements for Pat for work! So I'm ready with my new Canada tshirts and mask for tomorrow's visit to Sylvia's. She's going to help me with the nature I Spy block placements and maybe some sewing together too.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Catchup - June 20th-24th

June 20th

Now this is HEAVEN in my books!!!! A coolish overcast summer morning with a slight breeze and breakfast on the deck! I definitely have to find an apartment with an east facing balcony!!! ๐Ÿ˜‡

June 21st

BOY was I ever glad I got mail today!!! Thank you Berel from our PFA group, for the very lovely CQd forget me nots (Alaskan flower) greeting card! I can tell you it won't be sent to anyone, I'm keeping it for myself! ๐Ÿ’–

And she thought she was late and sent me a lovely greeting card kit too! Which I did not think was necessary! But thank you very much!

And finally I finished off my friend's requested fitted masks, I hope these work out for the family! The pattern is adult sized and she wanted one large so I enlarged the pattern, but not sure if correctly! Guess I'll find out as I mentioned I'd fix if necessary!

June 22nd

Well my tester first block worked out perfectly to a 10.5" block! Now I can add the whites to all my nature I Spy blocks, then the corresponding nature sashings. 

THEN it's to figure out whether I do a one colour sashing between blocks or leave it scrappy with an awesome nature border! Not really the Medicine Wheel colours but they are in there subtlely. I'm totally enjoying playing!

June 24th

What about a beautiful day, breakfast outside and the view out my sewing room window, but thankful the AC is on inside!!!!

Today I just may finish off my altered Square in a Square blocks for my donation quilt to an Indigenous child from our MPQ guild!

Okay this is just dumb! Who packs up to go sew at a friend's place and doesn't bring extra thread??? DUH, me!!! Lucky a fabric store is just 4 blocks away for a quick pick up!!!

Well all the blocks (left over fabrics from Taunya's nature duvet and more) are sewn and kinda placed for my nature I Spy quilt, may be switched around some before sewing up. I don't think I'll put a sashing in between the rows. Just that brown/blue fabric I found in my stash to fill in triangles and a 2" border around. I'm also too tired to figure out what size it'll be - finished block size is 10". This is for our Guild's call for quilts for Indigenous children here in Winnipeg/Manitoba.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Catchup - June 15th-19th

June 15th

Here is the write up on storing peony buds and extending flowering times! 

June 16th

What a lovely start to my walk with Edna at 9:30am, while in the shade. Today we even had a brief across the street chat with Wendy. In the open areas it was getting very warm and both were very appreciative of the McDs iced coffee the last km! We totally enjoyed the homes that showcased peonies galore and a few had these HUGE orange poppies! On the way home past the same cemetery across Polo Park, we were shocked to see this tree, not sure the story behind it and why cut like this! I forgot to set my tracker but remembered to screenshot the history before the rest of my day continued!

June 17th

And still me now!!!! But what I'm finishing is awesome!!!

Someone else's input!

June 18th

This was my sister's wall hanging, Sylvia Stadnyk, from the guilds Presidentโ€™s Challenge - Celebrate Manitoba revealed last night. I watched this baby grow and am very impressed with her artistic talents! 

She said, "I have my memories of our travels from Ontario to Manitoba. I tried to show the different colours of flax, canola and wheat fields. Pastures, farm yard, gardens, hay bales, grain elevators and wind turbines."

I'm getting better at meeting Edna 9:30am for our walks this last week! It gets too warm too early! The wind today was something else though and a couple times so chilly I'm thinking we're in for SNOW!!! Nah it's too warm! 

Anyways today nature was in full bloom and stride for us to enjoy!

AWESOME!!!  Thank you Edna for seeing this beauty! 


So pretty even in pink!

Fragrant Russian Olive.

Even entertained by 2 fluttering Monarchs!
How appropriate to have one sit long enough for a picture! 

East side of Yellow Ribbon Trail!

June 19th

After my walk yesterday I finished more masks for myself, friends and family! Thank you Sylvia for the piece of poppy and bees fabrics!

WOW I ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– peonies!!! 

Thank you Pat for my own! ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’ž

Finally I get to visit the pugs! Gosh have they both grown and I'm sure leaving blue/green bruises after climbing all over me. Some are tender already! Not sure my legs will work after this long nap! 

The table picture Taunya sent me the other day!

Left is Dahli, right is Bubba!

Catchup - June 11th-14th

June 11th

I also slivered sections off and put into cheesecloth as mouse deterrent when we had a bad threat.

Yesterday was lovely outside BUT within 10 minutes I got bitten twice BUT killed that mosquito!!!! It didn't take long after the immediate scratch when the itchy welts emerged! Guess it's deet OFF season walking and carrying my Anti Itch cream. Sorry vinegar lasts briefly and stinks!!!

Carol suggested the Irish Spring!  I like your idea but my allergies don't care for that smell! Hmmmm might have to shave some off and try though as I totalky hate bug spray but a necessary evil for me if I want to walk or just sit outside!

Kathleen suggested I pick up a small spray bottle of colloidal silver and spray the bite. Takes the itch away.

Lise said Thermacell works well for me.

Well, I'm kinda leary about "health type remedies" after the last hike and the serious three week long repercussions of such!  It was horrible and even prescription antibiotics took ages to clear up my massive welts and itchiness along with Benedryl Allergy! My Dr really does not want me playing Russian Roulette with such in future!

Joyce suggested After Nite.  Yes I do and reapply about every 20 minutes or so till I finally give in and pop a Benedryl Allergy. 

Yowsers these wind gusts are sure trying to rearrange the huge tree branches. Not only left or right but also up and down! Hopefully none will snap and land on passers by nor vehicles.

I like this one! Hmmmm Adele, whatcha thunk?

June 12th

YAHOOOIEEE!!! Finally after a few weeks I met up with Edna for an early morning local walk and stop at McDs for an iced coffee on the way home! It was very windy, warm but no MOSQUITOES!!! 

Then picked up more MPQ library books for summer reading etc. Ended the afternoon dropping by Edna's and then Sylvia's and leaving them some reading material too!

Now home, wiped out, feet up and relaxing! Sheesh sinus issues again this week, sure zaps my energy! At least my Dentist and Dr are in agreement that it's unusual for recurrences every couple months and hopefully will be sent to a specialist to check further. Enough already!

June 13th

Colleen just told me a tip that I am going to try outside! Maybe I will be able to take myself to the park without OFF and stitch too! 

Pour Listerine into a small spray bottle and spritz around your chair on the ground! Hmm that I'm willing to try this! 

Fleecy sheets on myself just stuffed me up and not much of a deterrent to mosquitoes.

June 14th

Good morning! Hey I woke without sinus pressure and puffy eyes! Maybe it's passed on. If so it was a three day stretch, shortest ever! YEAH!!!! I might be able to concentrate better now!

OMGG!!! It's found!!! I honestly thought it was a gonner with the cuttings to the garbage! Nope just put where it wasn't supposed to be!!!

In case you're looking for it! The Wizz Ripper Gripper "bitty bits & pieces:  The Wizz Ripper Gripper"

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Catchup - June 7th-10th

June 7th

Okay, I patiently waited the 6 weeks and no sign of window installation! AND after this past week I'm not waiting anymore! I put in my window connected AC in record time this year! Already at 10am it's 85F and it's a cooler morning! It's on full blast and will see how long it takes to cool this oven down. AND watch I'll get the notice the windows are coming in three days time!!! THEN to figure out how I can use my AC again! DAYS like these I want fall or mild winter back!!!!!

Damn, damn, damn, why couldn't Covid have gotten rid of these pests???? Canker worms are out now! SHIT!!!! Long skinny green hanging by a thread from the trees. Leaves will all be gone in a couple weeks. UGH!

June 8th

WOW WOW WOW, how I'd like to partake in this retreat! I've lots of doilies, just get some plans in action!

Vintage Linens Quilting Retreat

June 9th

And I didn't even see the spelling error till it was pointed out!!!

Hmmmm I dropped into Tall Grass Prairie for a cinnamon bun and came out with bison chili, raspberry bannock and a couple cookies too! Will see what it's like! Well it was "Chili" with a bit more kick than I like and yes Dale I forgot to add a dollop of sour cream until just about finished! DUH!!!!

June 10th

It's been delivered and even took a full picture!

Finally I've made my hanger more stationary with a hanger stitched to the hem and a suction cup!  See the taping to the window lasted two days!