Friday, January 13, 2012

Not Bad Today!

Well I truly considered after my previous sciatic hip problems and then the fall and the Zumba aquacise that I’d be either so sore I wouldn’t know what to do with myself or just unable to move period.

I can honestly say that I’m all over sore but not badly and the sciatic pain seems to have subsided.  Hmmmm could the fall and aquacise have “released” it???  I sure hope so as that definitely is a pain with a sitting job!!!  I've just come back from a short walk, and yes very carefully on the icy patches, and all seems to be good.  I do have my massage tomorrow so hopefully this stiff/soreness will be eased away then too!

We are continuing alternating between Zumba and regular aquacise sessions so who knows maybe I'll limber up yet!!!

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