Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ups and Downs

It's been a while since I've posted, nothing new except for trying to catch up on some stitching swaps and promised projects besides the normal daily comings and goings.

This week has had it's personal trials too! A brief rundown is I had received a call from both companies holding my loans with a special deal for me. Well one I really didn't think I'd get any such deal as they've already told me such in January so why now - I was right zippo!!! BUT the one that got me sooooooo MADDDDDD was the other call where I was told my May & June payments could be delayed (which is good for my vacation and I know it's added onto the end but a bit of a reprieve) and that I was offered a 4% reduction in the interest rate! Now that perked my ears up, so I asked what the catch was - nothing, just had to come in and sign the rewritten paperwork and maybe I'd like funds to pay off my other card. I said no I'm making my payments and I could not afford my payments increasing. I was told they'd probably drop slightly and that sounded good so I made the appointment and started to feel a little better.

SHORT LIVED I can tell you! I arrived and another clerk escorted me to the inner office and said she'd get my papers to be signed. Well to make a long story short, there was a couple of catches, one was another $500 advance plus $425 to pay off my other small CC and only 2% reduced interest rate cause I was not adding a larger amount to my loan thus increasing my payments by $20 too!!! WHAT???? I told her this was not what was discussed and forget it I was not taking on more so naturally no delayed payments and I was mad and would not discuss more gathering my stuff to leave before I said more. She did apologize for my having been misled with inaccurate information and gave me my May cheque back to help me a bit - I took it and left.

YEP I was MADDDDDD and went shopping for munchies and then home to fume, stitch and watch hockey! I just don't understand how one can work for such a company and such misleading shennanigans!!! Just no morals at all!!!

Well this morning I was still MAD and thought I needed something to help distract me so I could work today! So I DRESSED UP, yep, hope you're sitting down as wearing dresses and fancy shoes is definitely not normal in my life in recent years. I now LIVE for casual and comfy at work and home! So here's how I walked into work today and I can tell you it was quite the reaction and actually distraction for me too!!! LOL!

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