Monday, August 30, 2021

Purging Has Started Again!!!

Yep excited, pooped and enthused to do more too!!!

Okay I just spent maybe 3 hours in the sewing room and I'm pooped, feet up now! The area rug is down, stuff cleared off the sewing table so I could move it and the small drawer tower into place. There was a box marked "sewing misc", so opened it and found one of my thergonomic craft gloves, a few useful items, lots garbaged and some recycled. WOW!!! 

Then saw the large 3-drawer plastic chest, usually behind this box plus others, full of scraps and half the bottom drawer had Christmas in there. I decided to put my plastic shoe boxes of large spool threads into there, off the floor. So left the Christmas fabrics there for now, kept maybe a shoe box of good fabric pieces for scrappy quilts and added another grocery bag to the three scrap request ones gathered. Now to call the ladies that requested scraps and get these out soon! 😉  

Enough for today, unless to put my machine in place hooked up ready to quilt my Indigenous quilt for MPQ and tackle the threads!

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