Sunday, August 02, 2020

Pugs - July 29th-31st

July 29th

OOOHHHHH I'm in seventh heaven as Taunya is on a work jaunt a couple days and I've the pups finally, Covid be !@#$%&!  She'll let me know when returning and I'll vamoose so no contact just in case!  

Yes Dahli's climbing out her pen so extra careful coming in so pipsqueak doesn't sneak out!  Bubba's a great teacher and Dahli is a follower for sure!  Hope there's no escape places in the fence anywhere.  And I saw her sign for #2 and off she went, with a treat and Good Girl afterwards!  I can't wait for this visit's adventures, but please all good ones!  I've already learnt she's underfoot LOTS!!!!!

Hide and seek?


July 30th

Okay glad this is a big chair as both have decided to join me!  Ohhh that was a short visit!

One eyed Pugs!

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh, afternoon nap together! 

Oh oh here comes double trouble!!!

Then gone!

Now evening relaxing together!

ALL people should read this!  Statistics are numbers and should stay regional not specific!

OMGG are these guys gonna sleep tonight? They are still out, just changed positions. Soon I'm gonna get them up as my butt and legs are getting numb!  🤣🤣🤣

Janice, I'm not sure this last month but it's been a lot.  My masks sell for $7 each and mask buddies $2 each - minimal recouping costs.  🤔

Well the puppies let me sleep, I woke them at 5:30 when I got up so out they went and back to bed till 8.  Not bad first night!

Now I just had to share!

OMGG I wondered how long before this improvised MLB shortened season was going to see increased Covid-19 cases emerging! The real games have just started and now games are cancelled or postponed!  Wonder if the other sports leagues will be following close behind?  Totally crazy to endanger players, staff and extended staff, never mind their families for the love of sports!  This is non-essential and not necessary!  Yes I miss my current sports games but lives matter more than my love of sports!!!!

She's under house arrest as she won't leave Bubba alone plus she's constantly running to the corner and digging along with Bubba's help even though I overturned the firepit over that first dug area.  I see she's an instigator, a major puppy pest like Bubba was at first with Fred!  🤣🤣🤣  I really think she needs an anchored wire mesh top on this till she is potty trained more at least.  Lots of room for resting, playing and potty room too!

Both had dirt flying but stopped as I neared. 

She wasn't happy at first but settled down! 

Figured out  way to keep her in, finally an hour's respite!   She relaxed too!

Finally both have settled for evening nap??? I'm watching baseball but not Jays because of their postponement because of Covid outbreak!  SHEESH, not sure where anyones' brains are in letting any sports to be played AT ALL!  Endangering all players, all staff and their families!  STUPIDITY!!!

Sounds about right!  I think chunk for me!

Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!  Gosh they snore!!!

July 31st

OOOHHHH BOY, they are full of mischief today! It's a dig in the dirt under the bedroom, play tag till hot and tired then race for the pool to cool off kind of fun today!  Not sure why but then they repeat again after getting wet!!!!  I've used the fly swatter threat on Dahli, as Bubba knows to change direction when it's picked, to detract them from the dirt, not sure it'll sink in!  Guess I'll be cleaning up muddy wet paw prints now, not just wet ones!  KIDS!!!!!

So cute!

He jumps down, faster than walking around!!!

Straight for the dirt!!!

She follows and even sits in it!!!

Then it's let's play catch time!

Back to cool off!

Splash to clean off too!!!

Wonder how long this will last?

Finally they stopped the chasing and resting for the next phase!!!

Thank you Merle Rawson for your post!  As you can see I too played with it for Canada! Original posted 4 or 5 days ago by Sandy Gray, Thanks to her friend Sandra Dibbs for this gem.

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