Monday, October 22, 2012

I've Had It!!!

You know I've been pushing myself just about two months now, if not purging, then packing, moving and now cleaning trying to get 209 ready for my checkout report and hand over the keys - I had hoped for the 24th.  That is before I left for my extended quilting retreat.  And who knows maybe the new tenants would like an extra week to move in provided they were willing to reimburse me some rent.

Well today I got the bathroom cleaned up - fan included - and all the drapes washed and rehung - looks spiffy if I say so myself!  So I contacted the new tenants to see if they were interested in my option.  You know what she said, "Oh no I can't afford to pay extra who's going to pay mine, but if you are out early you let Betty know and if you give it to us we'll take it!" HUH!
I borrowed money to pay for the second apartment cause I knew I could not move in one day and I did not get any breaks from my not having my apt until Lilian finally moved out 2 days late and it took the painters longer than a day or two to paint and they want me to GIVE them the week for nothing!!!  And I've yet to clean 508's fan and closets and I had to clean the bathroom and the kitchen cupboards grime myself before I could use them, whereas they are getting a cleaned apartment.   Yes the landlords did give me new floors and drapes (which were in need) and the new appliances.
Oh well now I won't push tomorrow to finish it totally, I'll do what I can and finish off the rest on Monday night and get my checkout report and hand over the keys on the 30th.  Heck I still have to UNPACK 508 which is a total disarray of boxes etc which were just dumped as things were moved in.

1 comment:

Judy said...

So glad there is light at the end of the tunnel for you!! And those people are getting a completely cleaned apartment AND new paint on the walls!! They are so lucky!! My parents rented out apartments when I was young, and I have no idea how many I helped them clean and paint...