Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Update on Dad

I felt relieved to have heard from Florence this evening and she was much more herself too, so I know things are more or less okay with Dad.

Yes he's had double pneumonia and a heart attack (sometimes a result of weakened conditions due to pneumonia) and he's also 95 so he's still in ICU today and might be there all this week yet and then moved to the ward for a bit before contemplating going home. Well like my sisters said, he's improving already as he's grumbling about not being fed on time, the food not to his liking, no TV to watch, and he wanted his razor cause he needed to shave!!! The next clue to his improving will be wanting his clothes cause "it's for shame being in pajamas all day", especially with people visiting! Apparently tomorrow they are going to have him up for some exercise with his walker too. Yep, he's mending, maybe slowly but on the up and up! I've asked Florence to call me when he's on the ward collect and I can then talk to him for bit.

Thank you LORD! and also all my dear friends for your prayers and positive thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rose Anne, all good news! Glad to hear it. Debbie (Maine)