Tuesday, October 09, 2012

1st Day - New Place

OK maybe I was just too sore and tired to notice anything BUT I can tell you it was AWESOME to sleep undisturbed by moving furniture or running from above me at 2:00 am - which she claimed was "normal" noises!!!  Sure this place has different noises that I'll have to get used to but it is awesome - especially the view from my living and sewing rooms windows.  
Straight ahead
The bedroom faces the backlane which might prove to be noisy from time to time but then I had faced the bus lane before so I think that noise I seem to not be so disturbed about.  Time will tell and I have earplugs!!!

Now the chore to move the rest of my stuff up this week and start unpacking this mess!  I have no idea when I'll accomplish this feat but guess a little at a time.  Next week I have to work on clean up 209 and getting it ready for the checkout report before handing over the keys.  At least I did not have to do it all in one day - like my previous move - totally INSANE!!!

I was going to upload all my premoving and moving pictures but decided not to.  I'll upload pics of the finished rooms whenever that will be - BUT here's the general layout.
Kitchen from the living room
Living room from kitchen
Bedroom entrance
Bedroom looking out
Sewing room entrance
Sewing room looking out
Sewing room added storage
Yep it all looks lovely without my "stuff" in there and yes I've gained more floor space than the old apt which was a long rectangular layout compared to this square compact layout.  But I don't seem to have the hallway storage that I had - oh well maybe can't keep as much stuff eh?

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